a corner wedge, often i have found myself in need of this block, in dozens of situations

Already planned.I think it's time to change the way starmade currently handles shapes. They ought to simply be a hull cube that can be cycled through a number of different shapes with a set of keys. When removing such shapes from a structure you would get base shape back shape back. Perhaps it would tell you what shape it was set to by showing you the wire frame of the shape.
This would allow for more than 5 hull shapes and give a point to having more than one of the same hull color on your hotbar in creative mode, as each stack on your hotbar could be set to a different one.
You mean it's a limit on the number of different types of block the game can render at once? Not a limit of how many different blocks are available in total?Already planned.
But the limit for block IDs affects the blocks in ships, not the blocks in the inventory.
The game currently uses 3 bytes of data per block for entities. These 3 bytes include block ID, orientation, activation state and block HP. Adding a fourth byte (which schema might do at some point) would allow for more IDs, but it would increase entity data in memory by 33%. If you have a ship with 1 million blocks, that's 1 MB. On the other hand, if you have 1 million items of one type in your inventory, the game only has to store the ID once as well as the number of items. That's maybe up to 10 bytes per block type. In short, block items aren't the problem, it's the physical blocks.You mean it's a limit on the number of different types of block the game can render at once? Not a limit of how many different blocks are available in total?