
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Core roatation? So you can fly your ship backwards or forwards? If not cockpit rotation because in my faction we all fly together and it would be nice to have them watching my back and sides instead of the same direction I am.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    Just add turrets so everyone can pretty much fly their own ship, except its connected to a certain point on a mothership.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Actually, turrets can be used as viewpoints.

    Just attach a camera to them, and use the up/down keys to toggle between mothership and docked ship/turret.

    Then use left/right key to go to the camera on that turret.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Yes, you can use turrets as an alternate viewpoint, but they default to forward when you enter them, and pivoting around every time would be really awkward in battle. The OP is looking for something that I\'ve wanted as well, to be able to turn your cockpits so that you can effectively have rear-view cameras, a docking camera underneath, and cameras anywhere else that you might want to keep an eye on.

    Being able to aim a camera backwards can help you check if someone is following you. By aiming one down, you can put it under the core and have a docking camera (allowing you to actually line up with the docking port and THEN dock, which also solves a lot of problems with trying to dock past a PlexDoor). You can also do creative things like having a mining laser that faces down from the bottom of your ship and switching to a downward camera, which gives some aesthetic options instead of always pointing your nose at everything.

    EDIT: Or, replace that mining laser with an AMC array or giant missle. You can\'t recreate Independence Day without a downward camera.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    And don\'t forget Broadside oriented battles similar to a traditional, wet navy battle. :D
    Aug 3, 2013
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    There is already a thread for this topic. Please search these things up before spamming the forum with new threads.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Sideways facing weapons computers, if entered, allow you to look in that direction. If you have used the main ship core recently though, you will default to the last \"camera\" you used and will be looking sideways from there, rather then from the weapons computer. Which is slightly off-putting if said camera is at the very front of the ship, or if its located between two hulls or something.

    You can also use right shift I believe it was to look around from your current viewing location. Useful enough, but remember that it will act the same way your view normally acts, which means that you will see blocks that are part of your ship in most cases (odds are you only made sure the view was clear for the front).

    Otherwise, you are stuck with using build mode for that purpose. Don\'t knock it, its actually great for pulling a larger vessel into a good anchor point near a station or shop without worrying about crashing the thing.