Controlling logic systems on attached entities

    Jun 23, 2015
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    The starmade logic systems are amazingly cool, but most of the time they make me feel like a 5 year old learning to program... (Throws logic system temper tantrum)

    Onwards to my question! (Thinks of how to phrase the question)

    I know wireless modules can bridge the gap between logic systems on seperate entities, but is it possible to control logic from within flight mode? What brought this on was a Gif I saw of a spinning "mining head" attached to the main body of a ship. This raised many questions for me, including the following:
    • Can you have some sort of mining drone controlled by bobbie AI?
    • How are moving mining heads turned on, and are they something that has to be controlled from the conected spinning part?
    • How do flip flop, and, or, and not switches work?
    • Is there a simplified Logic guide explaining each block slowly in gradeschool terms?
    I realize this post is all over the place, but it is exactly how I feel right now about the higher end logic in starmade lol

    Any tips and or help would be greatly appreciated :)

    (EDIT): Although I did search for a few keywords on my questions, I failed to see the very obvious thread titled LOGIC GUIDES... Leaving this post up in case there is more good information I can obtain from members.
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    Jul 6, 2013
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    There is a logic block called "Inner ship remote" which if on the same entity as the ship core your in can show up as a hotbar button. You can name the block so it shows up named as that on the hotbar. You can then link this logic to wireless connections to control other entities.

    Each of the basic logic blocks really is basic a google search will show up as to how it works but I'll add a simple one here.

    NOT output is opposite input, only one input so if ON is in then OFF is out and vice versa.

    AND will only output ON if all inputs are ON if any input is OFF output is OFF

    OR if any input is ON then the output is ON only if all inputs are OFF is the output OFF

    a flip flop output switches from to the reverse of its current output when an input goes from OFF to ON. Call it an ON pulse. The next ON pulse will switch the flip flop. Its name is derived cause it flip flops on and off.

    There are specifics for the other blocks especially controllers and there are other logic if the blocks are placed next to and/or connected to other blocks like lights/rails/dockers/storage/computers/doors etc....I'm not sure if someone has a complete list somewhere but that would be handy.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Bobby AI can not use salvage cannons currently. Remote mining drones won't work.

    The starmade logic systems are amazingly cool, but most of the time they make me feel like a 5 year old learning to program... (Throws logic system temper tantrum)
    • Is there a simplified Logic guide explaining each block slowly in gradeschool terms?
    (EDIT): Although I did search for a few keywords on my questions, I failed to see the very obvious thread titled LOGIC GUIDES... Leaving this post up in case there is more good information I can obtain from members.
    Yea, there is the Logic sub-forum which would be a great place to ask about specifics. Lots of talented logic builders in there who would be happy to help.

    Our Bench has two great series;
    -Logic Masterclass, breaking down the theory of Logic gates and their uses.

    - Logic Tutorials, mini project tutorials to help players learn logic applications and apply it to their own builds.

    Councillor Sven_The_Slayer has a youtube channel and playlist specifically for "Practical Logic".

    plusnine has offered up his logic RnD to the public via community content. You can check his repository thread here;

    Hope that helps a little.
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