Configurable Catalog

    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Since I've started and played the server I Administrate on, I've noticed lots of people just popping in, and then having the best ship after one raid on another ship/pirate station. They just sell the items, get cash and use the Local Catalog to spawn in these Mamoth ships that can take out anyone, or push/hold anyone without issues.

    So my Idea is making it were the Catalog can be Configured to were you can either Disable it entirely Via Server config files, or just Disable Local and leave Server Side Catalog making players have to build there ships to save it on the Server, But to also be able to make a Config list for Items allowed to be spawned in by the Catalog system. This way a Server Owner can make it were only Hull types are spawned in (also would stop the making of Scrap Ships out of Hard to get parts besides Hulls like Shields, Weapons, and other item types) making players yet again take the effort on the server to build there ships, and not just spawn them in.

    If anyone else have a Better way to go around the Issues of new players spawn in Mamoth ships, or a way to make it were the Catalog cannot be used Scrap ships please post on how, and why it would be better, but if you don't have anything good to say (Flaming/Trolling) please don't post.


    Jason (TDude)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    You mean that I can make it were no one can access a ship in the catalog, yes that is feasable. But I\'m not going to sit there looking at the catalog every second, with over 100 ships already in it, find the new ones, and put them as Nothing when it doesn\'t even say If they were made in the server or uploaded.

    Also to clearify to you Johnson, I\'m talking about being able to control the Catalog by making it were the you can turn the Local Catalogs connect to the server, making it impossible to get pre-made ships unless it\'s on the Server own Catalog, in which would make players have to build the ship to save/use it, and keep people from making ships just for Spare parts.

    P.S. Please Refrain from using 2 posts for a few words in each you can easly go back and Edit your last post.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'ll be bumping this for people to see, since it has been 2 days. I just hope people can see this and there might be a chance to get something like this into later Development of the game.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Another Issue I\'ve been having,

    People are uploading blocks of items, as 10x10x10 onto a core and uploading it to constantly buy a same material even if the shop is sold out. the person doing this on the server insists that its \"Part of the game\" but I know that it is an exploit, and allows people to make huge ships in just a few hours of playing.

    The thing that intrests me about this game, is that items hold a count value depending on who you\'ve killed, salvaged or what shop you\'ve bought it from.

    This game turns into creative minecraft when the catelog 10x10x10 block is exploited...