Computers (weapons, engines,stuff)

    Apr 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Firstly a player should be able to rotate his weaponry. More on this later.

    Secondly, a player should be able to put one Computer underneath another computer, or link weapons up to two computers. Perhaps a player might want to use one gun, perhaps the player might want to use every gun.

    Furthermore The player should be allowed to give a weapons computer an 'AI' . No, by this i don't mean an ai controled turret. I mean weapons that are on your main ship that you don't want to aim. Rather than controling the weapons, you decide when they are active or disabled. Imagine an 15th century naval captain- He doesn't aim every gun, he just tells others when it's appropriate to fire.

    . I realy like how in science fiction/fantasy/ whatever all of the different plasma/photon/laser/particle weapons and engines fire in different colours and have different sounds. I don't think it would be so hard when setting up computers to dictate the apearance of the projectile/thrust/shields/power cores and the sound they make.