Compendium of Current Issues & Bugs

    Jul 30, 2017
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    This thread is intended to serve as a comprehensive list of everything that currently needs fixing in StarMade. Issues that will explicitly be addressed in, or arise from, upcoming updates should not be included, only issues that currently exist and have not been confirmed to be fixed in the near future.

    Please help add to this list!

    Red = Broken. System does not function in a usable way.
    Yellow = Flawed. System partially functions but has real problems or incomplete implementation.
    Blue = Needs improvement. System functions but could function better.
    Green = Fix confirmed to be incoming.



    Inhibitor chambers are almost completely useless, because their effectiveness is tied to reactor size and not jump drive strength. All ships over an arbitrary and quite small reactor size will be completely immune to inhibitors (for free), yet improving inhibitors is very expensive. Inhibitors need to work against either jump distance or jump charge speed at a 1:1 ratio, and have the same number of levels available, in order for them to be usable.


    Scanning does not map systems, and apparently does not reveal jam/cloak either.

    Ore scanner should possibly reveal asteroids on the system map, currently pointless to use.
    Cargo scanner also needs some practical functionality.

    Scanning range chambers not implemented - is this intentional or were they just not workable enough yet to include?


    Cloaking should include jamming inherently, and jamming should include anti-lock-on inherently, as stated by devs.

    Not enough chamber points to use all three with permanent duration as-is.

    Cloaking, jamming, and possibly anti-lock-on need to be individually toggleable.

    Non-permanent durations for cloaking are too low to be practical. Jamming and anti-lock-on need to have permanent durations by default in order to be useful.


    Warpgates demand too much power to be usable at more than minimal size.

    Mining 2 chamber does not give any bonus beyond Mining 1.


    Shield High and Shield Low chambers are currently impractical; Shield Low is marginally useful in some cases, but Shield High is almost completely counterproductive as any shots powerful enough for it to be a help are powerful enough to annihilate the target on the second or third shot anyway.

    Shield High/Low and Power Armor need better descriptions in-game to explain how they work.

    Heat Armor is impractical as ships will still take star damage quickly even with it maxed, it's not enough help to be worthwhile. A time buffer against heat damage would be much more useful than a flat damage reduction.


    Chamber point costs need adjustment across the board, current chamber costs are too high to make many ship types/roles practical or viable at all.

    Active or even passive chamber effects need to be toggleable by logic somehow.


    Shipyards, warpgates, and possibly other systems as well are wrongly affected by integrity and too fragile to be practically useful on anything but an invulnerable homebase, given that their construction requirements directly conflict with integrity goals.

    Integrity recalculation from combat damage creates excessive lag.
    Could possibly be replaced with System HP that are much easier to track and give a similar practical effect, yet don't require any complex maths.


    Shipyards are highly buggy and vulnerable to permanent, unfixable failures. This is an old bug that has yet to be addressed, and might require completely removing the old shipyard code and recoding them from scratch.


    Ship cores need to be movable/replaceable, until they are eventually superceded.


    AI needs a wider area to check for possible collisions and take steps to avoid them, before actual collision checking occurs. AI should try to maintain more distance between other entities unless docking or undocking.

    Targeting AI has severe, often completely unusable accuracy problems, firing widely off-axis and nowhere near the target in an angular sense. Might be related to AI not understanding that it needs to aim directly with the axis of the weapon barrel/output.

    AI controlling turrets and rails needs to limit itself to available firing arcs and range of motion, both for movement and for choosing targets. This can be solved in at least two different ways, by either giving the AI a way to detect what azimuth and elevation arcs are available for it to use without colliding, or for these values to be set manually on the turret rails themselves.

    AI does not know how to use support or mining beams.

    AI cannot activate active chamber effects.
    This would be mitigated if active chamber effects could be logic-controlled via wireless module.


    Damage occasionally bypasses shields inexplicably. This may be a desync issue rather than a problem with the shield systems themselves, however a change to how the shields are checked when damage is dealt may be a more effective way of fixing it.


    Fleets need server-configurable settings and better controls in order to be usable and not turn into a mess (see Nastral)

    Overheating ships stop overheating when the sector is unloaded, resulting in excessive clutter of spacejunk; overheating ships with active AI can't be salvaged because the AI is still active

    Desync issue with rail docks can lead to docked entities loading in unwanted and/or impossible positions

    Updates pending!
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Shops may revert themselves to public ownership. Setting prices in anything other than credits causes the price to revert to credits or to randomize.
    Selling to another trade node gives no warning if the node has insufficient credits. The trade node interface is overall not very convenient to use.
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    Reactions: Coyote27
    Dec 9, 2015
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    Cloaking should include jamming inherently, and jamming should include anti-lock-on inherently, as stated by devs.

    Not enough chamber points to use all three with permanent duration as-is.

    Cloaking, jamming, anti-lock-on need to be individually toggleable.

    Non-permanent durations for cloaking are too low to be practical. Jamming and anti-lock-on need to have permanent durations by default in order to be useful.
    All of these statements are Wrong.

    Cloaking INCLUDES Jamming AND Anti-lock-on.
    Jamming INCLUDES Anti-lock-on.
    you do not need seperate chambers for jamming or anti-lock-on if you have a cloaker chamber.
    and no they do not need to be individually toggleable. because who would even use a cloaker if everyone could still see where the ship is with some big fat marker... you activate cloaking and get jamming and anti lockon too without additional cost.

    the stealth system could use some better explanation for this because i have seen this kind of misinformation several times already.
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    Reactions: Dire Venom
    Jul 30, 2017
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    All of these statements are Wrong.

    Cloaking INCLUDES Jamming AND Anti-lock-on.
    Jamming INCLUDES Anti-lock-on.
    you do not need seperate chambers for jamming or anti-lock-on if you have a cloaker chamber.
    and no they do not need to be individually toggleable. because who would even use a cloaker if everyone could still see where the ship is with some big fat marker... you activate cloaking and get jamming and anti lockon too without additional cost.
    If anyone can confirm this is scheduled to be fixed in the next release, I'll mark it green. As far as I'm aware it is not yet functional, athough it is apparently intended behavior.

    And yes, there are plenty of circumstances where you'd want to keep jamming on but not activate cloak in order to save power, and only trigger cloak when needed. And if you have ALO you'd want it to always be active no matter what, unless you're in really desperate power trouble. The reciprocal case I will agree isn't going to be much in demand.
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    Reactions: Nosajimiki
    Dec 9, 2015
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    If anyone can confirm this is scheduled to be fixed in the next release, I'll mark it green. As far as I'm aware it is not yet functional, athough it is apparently intended behavior.

    And yes, there are plenty of circumstances where you'd want to keep jamming on but not activate cloak in order to save power, and only trigger cloak when needed. And if you have ALO you'd want it to always be active no matter what, unless you're in really desperate power trouble. The reciprocal case I will agree isn't going to be much in demand.
    right it's not working as it should right now. but since the devs already stated that it is intended to work this way the current state is just a bug...


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Add this to the list:

    Turret weapons shooting at 90 degree angles instead of straight (yes the computers are aiming forward). This is a systems 1.0 ship vs a systems 2.0 ship:

    AI Ships shooting into space rather than the intended target. These are two systems 2.0 ships, shooting out into space while circling each other:

    Been this way since systems 2.0 released. We are a PvP server, so a hotfix would most def be appreciated.
    Jul 30, 2017
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    Add this to the list:

    Turret weapons shooting at 90 degree angles instead of straight (yes the computers are aiming forward).
    It's in the list, but I didn't realize how bad it could actually be before I saw these. Turning it red instead of yellow.
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    Reactions: Dire Venom
    Dec 5, 2014
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    its really bad unfortunatly. i didnt even figure how when exactly it happens. On Brierie there are 3 pirate ships currenty. My turrets miss 2 of them completely (shooting 90° angle into the void) while the 3rd one is no problem for them to hit. all 3 ships are power 2.0. The ship they actually hit is 2.4k mass, the other 2 are smaller (like 700 and 300 mass). I was almost sure it had to do with mass until i tried using the turrets on a 30k mass player made ship -> they missed o_O so i have no idea why/when this is happening, but its very annoying.

    Edit: Maybe add to the list that overheating ships reboot automatically when leaving their sector and returning back afterwards. On Brierie this lead to some of the pirate stations i farmed being massive ship graveyard. Also, salvaging an overheating AI ship doesnt work somehow (says sth about "active AI"). Basically players would have to deconstruct each ship manually, which is much too tedious/annoying to do. All those not-correctly-overheating ships are quickly summing up to ridiculous numbers. I dont think that this is good for either servers and/or immersion :/
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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Heat Armor is impractical as ships will still take star damage quickly even with it maxed, it's not enough help to be worthwhile. A time buffer against heat damage would be much more useful than a flat damage reduction.
    Well i managed to go right through a big fiery sun wit ha small ship equipped with a heat shield. Took some damage but ship was functionnal. Tried without shield and didn't even get inside the sun before dying.


    Join the Dark Side
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    Well i managed to go right through a big fiery sun wit ha small ship equipped with a heat shield. Took some damage but ship was functionnal. Tried without shield and didn't even get inside the sun before dying.
    Yeah, that's really not a bug. More of a subjective thing.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Well i managed to go right through a big fiery sun wit ha small ship equipped with a heat shield. Took some damage but ship was functionnal. Tried without shield and didn't even get inside the sun before dying.
    Depending on the state of the client/server relationship the star damage can be interrupted or even negated. Your test could have been effected by that or a similar bug.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Fleets would definitely fall under yellow. There's no natural way to regulate the number of ships your allowed to put in a fleet, the overall mass of each or a properly scaled minimum distance between them in or out of a formation. Basic player fleets should be only a few ships with some kind of mechanic to incentivize increasing up to a larger but reasonable number of ships per fleet and number of allowed fleets per player and per faction total. All of these regulatory functions should have config options to allow server owners to adjust it to thier needs and limitations.


    Join the Dark Side
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    There are two kinds of issues with fleets. 1 is bugs and the other is how it pushes the game past the limits of what is practical so easily. So I'll post both issues, but separate by type:

    1. Mining fleets do not mine 99% of the time. Even when all is set up correctly, they just sit there.

    2. Sometimes when moving a fleet from one location to another in a loaded sector, they decide to ALL cram into one space. This is rather unfortunate because they all crash into each other and they keep trying to all go to the same spot. When this happens, the person in control of the fleet cannot stop it because their game is unresponsive due to all the bounding box lag. Many times it is so severe, the whole server becomes unresponsive, so much so that the server must be force killed.

    Pushing the limits of the game too far:
    1. It is easily possible to add 20m mass of ships to a fleet then send these ships to your enemy, crashing them since the load time is far too high to be practical. These might be several ships that fall below the normal weight or block count limits that many servers place to try to combat this exact problem.

    2. En masse, turrets on fleets cause an insane amount of lag. Try putting 20 turrets on 40 fleet ships. Send them to a loaded sector to fight. The bounding box lag will crash most people. Even if these ships are tiny.
    Sep 14, 2017
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    Some notes for the integrity section:
    • Integrity does not work on true spaghetti systems, they take 1 secondary explosion, then stop burning.
    • Other spaghetti systems can burn such that the ship becomes unkillable due to a buffering issue.
    • Secondary explosions are mathematically incapable of disabling spaghetti ships in a timely fashion even if they worked as intended.
      • Integrity needs to be reworked such that shields are less effective if the reactor is negative integrity, and systems need an instant on hit effect (such as system HP penalties) to prevent exploitation of slow burn.
    Other issues:
    • Bubble shields do not prevent the construction of spaghetti ships at all. They are big enough to fit a 1% density ship into a single bubble quite comfortably, but making them smaller would make long/tall ships impractical
      • They achieve nothing, and needlessly complicate honest designs; so, they should just be removed.
    • Explosive weapons that hit in the same spot waste a lot of damage on overlapping blast radii
      • Saving a vector and hit order on explosive weapons impacts would allow you to fully calculate one hit before moving on to calculating the next would prevent wasted damage and allow users more control over damage patterns, particularly with missile/cannon and upcoming explosive cannons. This could also reduce combat lag because you could drop explosives calculations on any munitions that punch through.
    • 0.2 chamber mass makes most combat chambers less effective and more expensive than just building more basic systems.
      • Since chambers are already so limited by Reactor Points, they should either drop the mass significantly (like to .05) or decrease the number your need per reactor level by a similar margin. Personally, I feel that adjusting mass would be better so that they remain sizable targets and expensive, but don't weigh you down so much that they are just throwing away RP for no good reason.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Chamber effects will sometimes wonkify themselves and not level/link properly so you have to unassign and start over.