Community Content Reviews Suck

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Personally, I welcome strict and even critical reviews. I'd like to know how my stuff can get better. Yes, I build them with big interiors because I plan on large crews, I'd still like to know to use my leftover space better.

    I always like the "this ship is awesome!" reviews, but on the flip side, I'm never gonna get butthurt when I get a bad one.

    In a format such as this, you are opening up yourself to a stranger's opinion. Not everyone has the same tastes, but everyone here likes spaceships. A review that says "i don't like this thing cuz it's garbage" is just as valid as a review saying "here are quantifiable reasons why this is the best ship ever" because there's no metric to hold these ships against, and I'd be worried about any systems that attempted to do so.

    I'm not against setting up standards for a review, I just think it'd be difficult when there is no set standard to the subject matter. Of course, nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

    Chckn Wildstyle feel free to tear my shit apart, I need it.

    I need it bad.

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I reviewed quite a few ships in little words because at that point there was not a defined way to make reviews. I did over 300 different reviews. I am the reason that the guidelines we have now exist.

    I rated everything that I possibly could including ships that had no ratings yet, a lot in fact, and some of them were very average and I really didn't feel like picking apart everything for a 3/5 star ship considering I was warned by the moderators that I couldn't make negative reviews without giving something good to contrast it. They changed their stance on that, but at the point in time that I was reviewing, if I ever got too critical of something I would get moderator warnings., okay then o-o


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Removing a review probably should not remove the rating attached to it, at the very least. Just have the actual review either read [REVIEW REMOVED] or disappear.