Command line arguments overview

    Mar 18, 2014
    Reaction score
    Hello fellow astronauts,
    in case you need to manually manipulate your StarMade installation, you can use the following command line arguments. However keep in mind that they can demage your SM installtion, so use them only if you know what you're doing.

    StarMade Launcher (v. 15):

    -help: Displays an overview of command line arguments
    -version: Displays version selection promt
    -origin: Use Origin Server (not recommended) [avoid CDN]
    -nogui: Dont start GUI (needed for dedicated servers without display driver or to run server in a terminal) -nobackup: Dont create backup when updating (default backup is server database only)
    -backupall: Create backup of everything
    -archive: Use archive branch (default is release)
    -pre: Use pre branch
    -dev: Use dev branch (Please note: there is no support for devbuilds, they can corrupt you univers)
    -steam: Undocumented; Will set the "steam" variable
    -force: Will force SM to update (broken?)

    StarMade Game Client:
    Sadly the client is ofiuscated, making it difficult for me, since I'm not a Java programmer. These are the ones I know:

    -server: Run as dedicated server
    -port:XXXX: Run server on port XXXX
    -client: Run as client if executed from console (debug)

    Please note that both launcher and client support java arguments like -Xms128m and -Xmx4096m for RAM allocation for example.
    Last edited:
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Hardware Store
    Hello fellow astronauts,
    in case you need to manually manipulate your StarMade installation, you can use the following command line arguments. However keep in mind that they can demage your SM installtion, so use them only if you know what you're doing.

    StarMade Launcher (v. 15):

    -help: Displays an overview of command line arguments
    -version: Displays version selection promt
    -origin: Use Origin Server (not recommended) [avoid CDN]
    -nogui: Dont start GUI (needed for dedicated servers without display driver or to run server in a terminal) -nobackup: Dont create backup when updating (default backup is server database only)
    -backupall: Create backup of everything
    -archive: Use archive branch (default is release)
    -pre: Use pre branch
    -dev: Use dev branch (Please note: there is no support for devbuilds, they can corrupt you univers)
    -steam: Undocumented; Will set the "steam" variable
    -force: Will force SM to update (broken?)

    StarMade Game Client:
    Sadly the client is ofiuscated, making it difficult for me, since I'm not a Java programmer. These are the ones I know:

    -server: Run as dedicated server
    -port:XXXX: Run server on port XXXX

    Please note that both launcher and client support java arguments like -Xms128m and -Xmx4096m for RAM allocation.
    There also is -client if you want to start the client from console(for grabbing logs when the game fails to make them)