Combined mechanics idea for max speed, asteroids, collision damage and ship spinning

    Jan 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    Might be complicated, but I'l try to explain it somehow:

    A ship without thrusters that was rammed, spins like crazy, i like that and I think even thrusterized ships should start spinning, when rammed.

    If you, for example hit a alrge asteroid (with a mass greater than yours?), you start spinning, and if the rotation speed (calculated by the impact speed?) exeeds your maximal natural (mass+size based) rotation speed by ~15%, your "physics_rotation_damping" value (automatic slowdown of vehicle rotation) will be set to zero, so you would have to MANUALLY stabilize your ship rotation until you fall below a certain rotation speed.

    So high speed flight/maneuvering would become exponentially more difficult, especially for dreadnougt-pilots. The faster and bigger, the more risk of hitting a 'roid and loosing control.

    Furthermore for people using collision damage:

    A certain block type, that is immune to colision damage, but weak against weapons fire and very, very heavy (special mechanics like the power tank gain effect?), so one just won't coat up his entire ship. That would give the possibility to make physical ballistic meteorite deflectors, mounted at the bow of the ship, for example. Bounces off small roids (if roid dynamics enabled). And this block, if hit by a roid, would strongly reduce the spinning effect.

    Deeper into deflectors/shields: (Idea just for details and RP ;)

    I thought about a block type, that is immune to sun radiation, but isnt covered by shields, has 1hp/no armor value and as well, super heavy. Would allow people to construct "coronal exploration vessels" with a solar energy rejection dish (movie: sunshine ;) or space stations in a solar sector, that can only be reached, by specially equipped vessels. The no-shield and no-hp/armor is intended to prevent military offensive abuse and make defensive application more, well, almost impossible, since it's ultra fragile against anything besides sun radiation ;P

    What do you think, people? Good, bad, extensions?


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I like physical deflectors, but they should reduce your speed a bit if they project force onto another object.

    • (( Maybe it could decrease your max speed and drain power (just like shields recharging), so it would be a second shield type (vs slow things) )).

    Because they could reduce lag of big ships in asteroid belts (only collision-volume-box checks, not per block)

    and make defensive application more, well, almost impossible, since it\'s ultra fragile against anything besides sun radiation

    I call that thing \"heat-deflectors\". I like it, but stations are currently resistent to the sun, so they are very good defensively there.

    I dunno how sun damage is calculated, but if it deals only 666 damage against one hull each second, big ships are almost immune to it.

    You can build a 1300m long tunnel into the next sector - or 3900 to get a safe passage into the sun.

    So high speed flight/maneuvering would become exponentially more difficult, especially for dreadnougt-pilots. The faster and bigger, the more risk of hitting a \'roid and loosing control.

    I like it, but don\'t kill dampening. Dampening reduces lags on unmanned left-alone vessels.

    But we need the center of mass set in the boundary-box\'s center or it would be ridiculous with all the collision checks. Or at least no bounce, just a stop if you hit some box with
    Jan 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    (( Maybe it could decrease your max speed and drain power (just like shields recharging), so it would be a second shield type (vs slow things) )).

    Yea, I like that one :)

    I like it, but stations are currently resistent to the sun, so they are very good defensively only 666 damage against one (ship)hull each second, big ships are almost immune to it.

    I didn\'t know that... whoops^^

    Regarding dampening and lag:

    Left alone ships should then auto-stabilize if a player was inside and ejected manually.