Combat suggestion


    Jan 24, 2014
    Reaction score
    People have been talking a great deal about the weirdness of core drilling, as well as being able to hijack ships, and other ways that combat could be improved. I listened, and here is my idea:

    Make systems individual.

    This would mean, for control purposes, instead of having a core block, ships would spawn in as an interface block more than a center core. The interface block would be a ship entry point and hub for control of all other computers. This would connect with the weapons computers and other computers for other functions- salvage, repair, Sd cockpits and the rest. Multiple interface blocks could be placed, as in fact it would serve more as a terminal than a cockpit.This would make it to be that if you want thrust on a ship disabled, you would have to either destroy all of the thruster blocks or a thrust computer- I do not know which would work better. Also, Life Support blocks could be implemented for air leaks to actually be dangerous- also, this would work with Schema's plans of death by staying away from the ship for too long. These blocks would be Atmosphere, Healing, and Life Support. Atmosphere would refill the air tank limit, life support would be a one-stop maintainance center, and Life Support could heal damage.In this way, anyone without a ship would be in deep trouble. Another suggestion, going with ships being sources of life, would be making ships that humans could inhabit MUCH more expensive, as to avoid people carrying a life support system around in their pocket.

    Suggestions? Comments? Bumps?

    EDIT: As for hijacking, there would be security somewhere, or maybe security blocks, and turrets to keep it from being too easy :) Also, about buildblocking: People should not get materials from it except for one block at a time.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I would loave some of these in the game to make it feel like it is a living brething thing you are controling so it does die with out being blasted out of the sky to be killed.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I got the idea of using air blocks with a lot of hp as replacement for plex lights and armor.

    Peoples don\'t want empty ships - they offer no protection for the core. Give them armor. armor through which you can walk through.