Combat-Ready Jump Pods

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Right now, and for the foreseeable future, it seems like boarding will be lackluster and with little plans (that is accessible to the public.) Currently, there is no viable way to board, as while grappling hooks align you to the target ship, you are most likely to get shot, none of the astronaut weapons usually have a good enough damage or rate of fire to take down shields, the torch's fire rate is too slow or has too little of a payload, and the enemy astronauts can just open, take a shot, and quickly close the doors before you can shoot back or torch it down.

    We suggest a new Ship and Station weapon be introduced; Jump Pods. Jump pods themselves are just armored shells that can only carry a small payload, such as cargo/astronauts/npcs with 2% shield damage when it lands, with either standard (dark grey with a glass window and grey door) or custom designs. In order to launch a pod, a small area must be cleared and surrounded with Destabilization Chambers, a ship fitting the size docked, and a Launch computer connected to the DCs. Because Destabilization Chambers are somewhat unstable themselves, they have a 15x15x20 max acceptable zone, though smaller zones can be created. It should also be noted that each pod requires a single jump drive and computer, each pod has to be replaced, there is a max of 3 zones per ship/station, and each launch consumes a decent amount of power.

    The range for every station is up to 7 sectors and ships are 3 sectors. Upon launch, the pod is warped 1500 km traveling extremely fast towards the ship, and the pod itself can only take damage by player or anti-missile turret weapons. It should also be noted that more armor hp it has, the slower it'll go, but the less armor it has, the more damage it'll take. For example, the standard pod is designed to fit all the different payloads, with armor standing at 300 points. At this rate, it will travel at about 650 meters per second, giving the defending ship about 16-17 seconds to respond. With every 50 armor points added or removed, the pod will either speed up but take more damage by 10% or slow down yet take less damage by 10%

    As for actually getting the payload into the interior of the ship, upon reaching 100 meters, it will attempt to get the entire pod or at least it's payload into a spot where all of it fits and there is a way to the core (including doors and elevators) and aligned itself to the ship (in order to prevent collision lag). If neither the pod nor the payload can enter the ship, the entire payload and the pod will be destroyed but the ship will either get sucked into a constantly damaging wormhole for 5 seconds before being put back to where it was (damage punches through shields, yet still affects them. The damage is 25 per block, and 10% of the shield. Does not affect astronauts, npcs, or fauna.), disables turrets temporarily, or instantly stops and drains 10% of the shields of that ship, or whatever else the devs feel is good. It should also be noted that only one pod can be launched at the same ship every minute and a half, unless the pod is carrying only cargo, whereas the pod does no damage at all unless destroyed.


    Thats XCOM baby!
    May 17, 2016
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    it seems a bit too complicated for what it is you could just build a pod that delivers you close to a ship then find a small space where you won't get shot and torch it after which you just enter but odtenly on large ships there are antipersonnel turrets another solution to the problem is a long stick shaped ship with an amount of warheads capable of breaking through the some advanced armour so all you do is ram the ship the warheads destroy the windshield (funnily enough theres no wind in space) and just board you could also build a ship core to avoid being shot at by the turrets but thats hard when the ships moving


    May 24, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    It was my understanding that Transporters were going to be used. I don't remember what post it was, but it talked about Players/NPC's being teleported to random "quarters" through out the ship.

    I believe it will be after crew and quarters have been added to the game.