
    May 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    Hey !

    I believe we need to change the collision system to one that actually let the ships get damaged. As you can see, people like to build huge ships, medium ship, and go at full speed between sectors making the servers crash when they hit an asteroid because they aren't looking.

    I think it's time for the collision system to be updated to a true collision/impact system. In this new collision system, we need ship to be able to dock on planets without being destroyed but they have to be landing safe of the ship would just crash on the planet. For this, i considered that under 10 km/h the ship wouldn't take any damages or would take very few ( not enough to destroy a hull at least ).

    Moreover, we'd like to be able to hammer huge capital ships with another and while the game would actually crash with the large amount of collision produced repeateadly, i might say that the amount of collisions, while taking more time to compute, would reduce. The way i see that high speed collision is that, the damages are inflicted first to the shield, then to the ship with a block dealing his hitpoints as damages to the block it touches. So for exemple, the ship with the biggest shield would remove the other one's shield in the collision and then his shield would damages the blocks at the colliding points. Then, once both shields are down, the hulls/blocks would easily destroy one another until a ship is destroyed or get away.

    So to resume, we needed a formulas that would do very few damages at 10km/h and maximums damages at full speed. So i came out with this one :

    exp( 2*speed / maxspeed ) * 7 / ( maxspeed )

    It works really well this the 50 km/h limit but should be changed a bit for an higher limit. So it's just for you to get an idea of the way damages would go up depending on speed.

    Moreover, the current collision system seems to know which block hits which making it easier to implement such a system as if we know the block, we can access his hitpoints and trade the damages. Once the collision has been done, if the block is destroyed, the ship continues it's way, and if the block isn't destroyed, then speed is reduced and the ship goes on. So that as a matter of consequences, the ship would either go through the other, taking damages on his hulls and destroying the other's ship hulls or stop halfway through it with a 0 km/h speed, he would then go backward to continue playing.

    This new way of looking at collisions would settle the problem of use of hulls/hardened hulls/others blocks as hardened hulls wouldn't be useless anymore. It also would had a lot to the gameplay and make people more responsible when piloting their ships.

    I understand that the idea isn't perfect but i believe that with your help, we can greatly improve it a lot.

    Thanks for reading my post,

    Enjoy playing Starmade,

    Jul 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    This should definitly be implemented, reactive armor (dis integrators) could play more of a role then, if you placed a couple of layers of hardened hull below them they shouldnt damage your ship as much as it does the coliding ship
    Jul 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    yeah... so all those ramming massive ship noobs will just run over everyone whos small and annihilate them?
    May 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    No, because if you have a small ship, you can turn faster so you can get again easily. You can ram bigger ship easily but smaller ones would be hard to ram.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    So those massive ships crashing into things crashing servers.. you want people to do that on purpose? While it would be nice to have some kind of damage (though shields shouldn\'t stop it.. its physical damage) I don\'t see it working well in reality.
    Jul 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    Shield should repell the ships from eachother and be consumed in the process. Also, wont the servers crashing due to collisions be fixed?
    Jul 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Yes, it would be a really cool thing. I think that\'s a good idea to make collisions actually do damage, but the main issue is still server crashes, obviously.
    May 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    In fact, i think it\'s the right time to talk about it as Schema is certainly trying to improve the overall performance and prevent the game from crashing with ship collision. So if we want collision to do damages, it\'s now that we must talk about it to find the collision that would best suit the game according to us so that Schema might take it into account.
    May 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    Sorry for doubleposting but i\'ve just thought of something else.

    Maybe the damage of the collision should depend on the angle of collision too ( if it doesn\'t mean a lot of calculations in additions to the previous ones ) so that when you land ( usually you land like a plane, gliding over a few meters or when you brush another ship, you only get some scratches and not destroyed.