collision NEEDS an overhaul

    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    The collision on this game seems to be a very, very annoying factor in this game and with the habit of people going demoltion derby at most server spawns it gets quite laggy and causes multiple crashes. Lag is the largest problem of the collision system and if a ship bigger than 500 mass, from what I've seen, hits another ship it will cause a huge lag spike and a good chance of a null point exception. the collision also is unreliable in the field of actual collision detection sometimes. I've noticed that 1: sometimes a slight tap can send a ship that has 100x less mass go from 0 to 50 in a second and 2: sometimes the collision detection ignores a ship until it looks like someone shoved a fighter into a flag ship like a potato in a tailpipe looks and that causes huge lag and even then sometimes the ship will go through one another although I find that to be a very special occasion if it happens but none the less I've noticed it happen a few times. I hope this issue is solved soon so that when we get hull damage by crashing we can have a non microsoft powerpoint demolition derby
    Sep 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    The funny thing is that crashing ships together, or making a titan class ship and landing on a planet still crashes servers, even after all the updates.

    Playing with the anti-slowdown knob seems to do nothing, however letting two ships collide with out antislowdown activated seems to keep the server up longer.