
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The side-firing cockpits would be almost a necessity anyway, once firing arcs are defined for weapon/tool blocks. A bunch of repair/drain beams or anti-matter weapons facing sideways really shouldn\'t be firing forward, and the side-cockpit is the perfect solution for larger ships. A second player in a tail-gunner position would be a huge advantage, as well.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You know you can do do all three. I\'m sure you can find a tutorial to help you. Best of Luck - Legobaseball2
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I highly agree with this thread. On my massive ship, I want to be able to see out of cameras that face in every direction. Once we start having pitched space battles, which I fervently hope will happen at least occasionally, then it will be very very important to see out from the sides of the huger ships.

    Oh, and it is absolutely infuriating to me that I can only drive my ship from the core instead of from the cockpit on the bridge. Thank you.

    On a seperate, but similar, note: I\'d like to have missiles fire in the direction they are facing. The ability to press a button and fire a brace of horizontal rockets would be delicious.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    that the side view wasn\'t possible when I oriented the cockpit that way. I didn\'t place the block with the idea of weapon systems in mind, but it helps with situational awareness because I can see what is behind me or to the sides. Zooming out is a somewhat viable workaround for the front and sides, but unless you place the cockpit far away from the ship, it gets in the way... perhaps a angled view by default instead of a \"from the rear\" zoom would be helpful also.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    One thing I could see is making cockpit a station accessible like weapons computers currently are and making them an item that can be linked(like one currently link and activate weapons to a specific computer) to different type of stations.

    For example a \"pilot cockpit\" would have to be linked to the core.
    Whereas \"weapon stations cockpit\" would have to be linked to their designated weapons computer.

    Alternatively, cockpits could be made into the actual piloting station of a ship(relegating core purely to crafting and building of the ship as well as being the \"core\" which allows everything to hold together like as usual) and new \"cameras\" blocks could be linked to such cockpit and weapons computers to provide different viewpoints as cockpits currently do for the core.

    Admitedly, the centralization of controls and management from the core makes for much simpler gameplay make it easier for ships run by lone players.

    I\'d also second the suggestions for cameras able to be installed looking not toward the front, but toward the sides or rear, or above or below the ship. And weapons block \"output point\" being able to be similarly installed in different directions so \"broadsides guns\" could be mounted on a ship so as not to depend entirely in forward mounted weapons.
    Jul 18, 2013
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    I belive the cockpit could be upgraded so that you can have multiple types suited for different styles of play for example: a battle version that caused the health bars and sheild bars to show as numbers on the hud and power drain of all the weapons along with reload timers. There could also be a slavaging/minning one that would show slavage speed and help locate the best materials at whatevers on screen if thas possible. Even another one that plays on the powerdrain and powertransfer beams that shows freidnly enegry levels and enemy energy levels if your able to locate the proper block. The variety you could add would really help people decide how to add them to there ships.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I would love to enter and exit my ship through the cockpit. One thing I thought of is it would be different than the core, where you can\'t enter build mode from it. You would either do some sort of \"boost\" mechanic or you could hold it to \"look\" around outside without moving your ship.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    The idea, I think, is not for a fighter-type craft, but for larger ships.

    The ability to put viewpoints(cockpits) and weapons able to be oriented in different directions than purely forward lookin/firing would actually help a great deal in larger ships like battleships and so on.

    Similarily, it allows for the concepts of weapons set up in broadsides(like old ship of the lines from the age of sails) rather than in purely forward firing modes.

    In a fashion, this could help some of the larger battleships with multiple players crewing them set up many smaller weapons positions and directions across the ships as defenses to fend off smaller ships with, rather than the frequent \"one big forward gatling gun\" setup we frequently see.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I can fly a ship in starmade even if the FOV is backwards but the controls are the over way around.

    (Ive had alot of experience)
    Jun 28, 2013
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    You should only be able to drive. Also, It would be cool if in order to use weapons from said cokpit, the weapons comp would have to be linked to that cockpit.

    That way, you could give different functionality to different cockpits.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think the only way to make the first one work is make it work like entering a weapons computer does, you can look but you cannot navigate the ship. Or, find some clever way to make a view angle offset so the ship (however clumsily) can still be moved from say, a downward facing cockpit and also have things like specially oriented salvage cannons that only function when the camera faces their direction.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    For some reason, I kind of just assumed cockpits and weapons would fire/face the direction they are turned. If I had known they didn\'t, I probably wouldn\'t have spent 8 hours builing a huge ship that had an answer for every direction.