NP Cobalt Royalty [EVE themed PVP faction]

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    Jun 20, 2013
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    About 20 hours from now, Lueracraft declared war on CR. Their reason:
    - cynicalcatalyst.
    Lueracraft has been set to KOS.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    At the cost of a lot of blood, sweat and tears, the 65k mass station Cobalt Prime II has been constructed from nothing in a record breaking time of 3 days.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    Cobalt Royalty has finished construction on the new warp gate. It is over a kilometer long in its longest axis. The old one was scrapped so that Cobalt Prime is a lot smaller and neater looking.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Username: Idiotplaysgames
    Past factions: NFD, NGE (leader, disolved), RA (disolved), TE
    Roles you would like: Min L3, preferred L4
    Post a ship you have made: Not very good ship builder, more on the creative side of things.
    Do you have a mic: Yes
    Your reason for joining: Cool ships
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    token ruskie
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Username: LunaIsBestPony

    Past factions:
    The farthest I've ever gottten to being in a faction was when I applied to LunaMoonbringer 's faction. I was rejected simply because I applied to too many factions(also, I shared a name with a previous troll on that faction that was not me) after applying to one faction, being ignored for an appropriate period of time, and then moving on.

    Roles you would like:
    I'm really not fussed on what I do, but I can create very efficient ship systems.

    Post a ship you have made:

    Do you have a mic:
    Technically, yes. It has a very severe case of being broken, though.

    Your reason for joining:
    Because I want to be in an actual proper faction on Elwyn. They tend to protect you from people who kill nubs, and there is no shortage of people like that on Elwyn. I don't generally go on Elwyn because the longest I've spent on the server at a time(without being blown up) was about 20 minutes. Also, your ships are really pretty.


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    Gotta love those turrets man. They really do their job (which is to clear out any smaller vessels the main ship can't outmaneuver)
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Why not clear out large vessels as well? :p
    At this rate, why dont we establish a no life zone while we are at it.

    Strictly enforced by local sun, which will use it's holy rays to eradicate all that approaches it.

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    Jun 20, 2013
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    Approximately an hour ago, a lone Purifier Class frigate under the name CRS Buckler II was dispatched to raid pirate stations. Moments ago, its pilot noticed a neutral signature being picked up on the scanners in CR space. The individual the scanners picked up was known as Sapphire from the faction Shadow of Cassardis. The CRS Buckler II approaches the location Sapphire was at with caution, as it was not known what kind of ship or intentions Sapphire had. The location he was at was the sector of Cobalt Prime II. The CRS Buckler II picks up faint signals of a ship in the sector, however can't see its location, or visibly see it, thus deduced that Sapphire was piloting a cloaking ship. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II conducted multiple scans to finally get a visual on the uninvited visitor. The name of the ship Sapphire piloted was called Explorer Two. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II hails Sapphire with no response, and continues to avoid the CRS Buckler II and recloaks whenever decloaked. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II deduced that Sapphire was here to conduct espionage, as there would be no other reason that the pilot would be silent and continue to try to remain as unavoidable as possible. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II charges a last scan, and opens fire with its machine guns on Shadow of Cassardis scout vessel. Juts before the homebase turrets unload their Cobalt Bombs on Explorer Two, Sapphire responds however what he said was still a mystery as the pilot of the CRS Buckler II was focusing on aiming his machine guns and the chat logs were neither recorded. Afterwards Cobalt Royalty receives a threat message from Shadow of Cassardis.

    Tread carefully folks

    Images taken of the recovered Explorer Two.

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    Jul 24, 2013
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    Approximately an hours ago, a lone Purifier Class frigate under the name CRS Buckler II was dispatched to raid pirate stations. Moments ago, its pilot noticed a neutral signature being picked up on the scanners in CR space. The individual the scanners picked up was known as Sapphire from the faction Shadow of Cassardis. The CRS Buckler II approaches the location Sapphire was at with caution, as it was not known what kind of ship or intentions Sapphire had. The location he was at was the sector of Cobalt Prime II. The CRS Buckler II picks up faint signals of a ship in the sector, however can't see its location, or visibly see it, thus deduced that Sapphire was piloting a cloaking ship. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II conducted multiple scans to finally get a visual on the uninvited visitor. The name of the ship Sapphire piloted was called Explorer Two. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II hails Sapphire with no response, and continues to avoid the CRS Buckler II and recloaks whenever decloaked. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II deduced that Sapphire was here to conduct espionage, as there would be no other reason that the pilot would be silent and continue to try to remain as unavoidable as possible. The pilot of the CRS Buckler II charges a last scan, and opens fire with its machine guns on Shadow of Cassardis scout vessel. Juts before the homebase turrets unload their Cobalt Bombs on Explorer Two, Sapphire responds however what he said was still a mystery as the pilot of the CRS Buckler II was focusing on aiming his machine guns and the chat logs were neither recorded. Afterwards Cobalt Royalty receives a threat message from Shadow of Cassardis.

    Tread carefully folks

    Images taken of the recovered Explorer Two.

    Cool to see Thalanor's permacloaked stealth ship getting some use for what it was intended to do :)
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