Planned Cloaking rework via cloaking modules

    Sep 14, 2013
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    I have been thinking about a way to rework the current cloaking mechanic to allow people to build proper ships capable of turning invisible instead of resorting to the current masses of power modules and thrusters that most people use, which honestly kind of sucks to see :(.

    Like most other ideas that involve reworking the cloaking mechanic, my idea also uses modules. The basic idea for my rework is that the power required to cloak a ship per tick increases with the number of blocks that ship contains (as it currently does in game). Cloaking modules can then be added to the ship to reduce the amount of power required per tick to a cap (such as up to a 75% power reduction cap). To make it more difficult for massive ships to cloak, ships with a larger mass will require a higher % of cloaking module to mass to reach the power cap than ships with a smaller mass.

    The cloaking modules would also require specific criteria to function or be efficient. The module would have a 'top' and a 'bottom' side which could be reoriented by using advanced build mode. Firstly the 'top 'side cannot have any blocks on it and secondly the' bottom' side cannot be touching a hull or armour block. Essentially what this means is that the cloaking modules would have to be incorporated into the hull of the ship being built (or into the interior if you really want to) rather than grouping them safely underneath 3 block thick armour, and could exploited as potential weaknesses in the ship.

    So what do you think about this?
    Aug 1, 2015
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    • Purchased!
    sounds like a good idea,and if the modules are hit you could end up with partial cloaking.Also damaged modules would"leak" making the ship easier to detect.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    • Schine
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    Suggestion #28
    There will be new improved mechanics for both cloaking and jamming in the future. With fleets in development,this rework will be all more important and Devs have this on their list
    Recognized - Cloak, Jam, and Scan. System Revamp
    There was also a really good thread that used modules I should link to. It balanced the whole game play quite well.