"Clear Undo/Redo Buffer"

    Jun 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    When doing large-scale changes (Replace A with B, on a 125*125*1 area) I have noticed that I can only do one single such change, and then the next change crashes the game. So I have to exit the game and reload between every change.

    My assumption is that the undo/redo buffer gets "overloaded", presumably because it is kept entirely in RAM instead of swapping to disk for large changes, and so cannot take more than one such change. Exiting has the side-effect of "clearing" this buffer, so that it has room again for more changes (aka the changes have been "permanently committed" to the game data-store).

    Fixing this would probably be difficult, but there is an easy work-around; just add a "clear undo buffer" button, and we won't have to restart.