

    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    You are at 140(inf) 0 0.

    Your friend or faction mate comes online and is at your base (-20 0 0), but you didn't expect that...

    I know, warp is discussed so often here... but if sectors get bigger (or warp added), you will likely be many times further away from your base - so it should compensate.

    And now it gets interesting - the idea:

    Have an option to switch between characters/accounts without having to leave the game!

    For now, I would just be happy if you could have 2-3 (decrease num of protected accounts if you already have more?) Characters.

    Each it's own inventar and current position in - maybe different - sectors.

    Maybe each one it's own name (but you need to choose 4 letters of your main Account as prefix / sufix in brackets, so ppls know who you are?)

    Now you can play the lone-wolf explorer and if you faction decides to have an event, you switch into your happy-playing-together character instantly. No relog, no forgetting to change name or reset password, ...