Character Creation- Custome Modelings


    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ok, say you want your character to be your own unique thing in the galaxy, and want him or her to look the part of which you want to be.

    so I say why not, add a model editor, with some pre made settings or a custome mode to which they can edit each layer of pixels, and the model it self would be similer to the one used in minecraft, known as the player model, and you can edit every bit, like enlarge the head to be a bit more one color pixels, or make the over all character a bit more slende ror slim from sitting in a cockpit all day mining, and let us color each pixel layer with a bit more pixels than mcs, like the current amount of pixels.

    When the physics engine is complete we may also add in maybe an optional physics for clothing, like maybe the arms of your shirt captures air while you jump down a slope, and rises upward.

    the best example to what the after effect of these custom models coudl be would be ace of spades, but if they were custom, we could do things like make the character either look like papie, or some fat cat fat execitive of a faction.

    for information value reasons, when the player looks away and is not looking at the other player's model, the data will revert to the default unedited model, which is the shape of MC steve, bu tlook back and it will load back the information.


    As for clothing, I say add a layer to the character customizer where you can either make a custom clothing, or pre made ones, like what is on your torso for shirt? and arms for the shirt? and so on and so forth.

    -Better detail

    Say in custom, you can edit all the layers of your characters pixels, exampel being, if the default is sixteen pixels in widht and height, you can change any of the pixel layers widthe, it would only effect the width of that layer, the rest of the thing would be unchanged.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If they had a custom creation option with a modeling option your models would have to be saved somewhere and if you had many characters you may end up using alot of memory as some models can be extremely costly on your memory space.