Change default orientation of turret

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    When docking on a turret-docking-unit that is pointing to the right (usually the case when you placed the docking unit on the left side of the ship), the turret you dock there will be pointing downwards in reference to the ship. This will be it's default position and it will reset to this position when you switch to and from building-mode and when you leave and enter the turret.

    Assuming that player controlled turrets will be one of the supported game-mechanics, I would like to see some additional flexibility in setting the orientation of the turret-docing-unit. Currently you can set the orientation of a block, hower, not the rotation.

    Being able to set the orientation of the turret-docking-unit, I would be able to set the default orientation of the turret to a more usefull and easteticly pleasing one.

    In addition of this, I would like to see the turret maintain it's last orientation instead of resetting.

    Should both requests be implemented, changing the default orientation would would still apply when using the Align Ship Cam while inside a turret.

    (ps: I have made numeral attempts to shrink these images, although the editor offers these options, upon saving my adjustments, I always see the images are not resized)

    Backview of small ship with 2 side turrets in default orientation:

    Frontview of small ship with 2 side turrets in default orientation:

    Backview of small ship with 2 turrets with desired default orientation AND rotation: