Chain docking

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don't know if a topic like this was made before but i'll make it anyway.

    We really need chain docking or the ability do dock big ships, with smaller ones and turrets docked on it, on a station. I started making docking rings on my station for my 3 big ships but as one of them is a carrier right now i have to take all small ships out of it and dismount the turrets and if i want to use that carrier i have to mount all the turrets( which are about 30) one by one. It gets really annoying after a while so if by any chance we get this option soon it will be a lot better. It says in the game that we don't have that option yet so i'm guessing it's under development.
    Jul 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    it says \"not implemented YET\" which implies it\'l happen anyway...