
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I've noticed Time, and Time again people making ships in creative, and going onto a server, uploading there ships and using those. So I was wondering, will thre ever be a way to Take out Local Catalog in a Config, and only Leave the Server Catalog alone. This will make it were you will have to build your ships on the server,without just going offline for a hour, or two and make one there then in less then a hour buy there ship on a random server, and kill anyone they want. Why because they don't care.

    This is something that needs implimented to allow server to be fun, some people want local to test ships, while other would just use it to screw over players that have been building for days, to gather resource, and produce there ship.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I don\'t get your point. You still have to earn the credits to buy that ship even if you designed it in single player mode.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I only have an issue with the blueprint system when people modify the files to cost nothing, so you can spawn it without a shop
    Jun 14, 2013
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    There is a huge problem with the loot tables on the server. It is EASY to get huge amounts of money fast and spawn in insane ships. I\'ve seen people come on my server and an hour later they have an insanely powerful ship. I don\'t want people spawning in (or buying, or whatever) superships not made on my server. I would like a way to block spawning in from a local catalog (this should be configurable as everyone likes to run their server, their way) But I would also like the option of putting a max price limit on ships that can be uploaded from a local catalog. This price should also be determined by the SERVER at the time when the attempt to upload the ship happens. This way people can make ships on their local machines to help them get going. But if they want a massive ship they have to ACTUALLY BUILD IT on the server they are going to be using it on. Again this should be configurable by each server.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    ok, the 0 credit hack sucks...

    But the thing you point out is not a problem of the concept of the catalog imho. I think the problem is the fact you don\'t need the materials if you buy it but only credits. And credits are earned way to easy. If you had to farm the materials first and could buy yhte ship afterwards you couldn\'t raid one pirate station and hit credit cap and buy a couple of Zeus-Class ships. This way blue prints would become what they should be, the plans how to build. Not a credit to resource cheat.
    Jun 14, 2013
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    I still think implementing a server configurable cap on the size of ship that can be imported is such a big deal. Yes you can whitelist your server; but why should you have to?