Casual's perspective of the forum war


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    TL;DR: a casual's perspective of the current flame war, everybody chill out and just have fun playing starmade.
    It can be difficult to enjoy the game when the balance continues to go down hill, and people who do not understand the balance continue to spread lies on the forums, and the moderators give points to people who say "No, you're ignorant and wrong, stop posting this."

    Again, as others have said, the problem here is not with the game. It is with biased forum moderators who are preventing half of us from discussing our problems with the game.

    Why cannot both gameplay styles be encouraged at the same time? Where is the overlap where one type of playstyle is getting limited by another?
    PvP players do not have problems with more PvE mechanics. The problem is that PvE players, who do not understand the consequences of balance changes or the current balance, argue for changes that damage the PvP game, and when we call them out as ignorant, we are slapped with warning points, because we have a biased moderator team.
    Nov 24, 2013
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    yeah pretty much, PVE/RP players giving advice about ship building when their only experiance is with making large pretty and horrifically inefficiant noob ships (even if they are powerful in compairison to NPC content.

    the skill gap between a dedicated PVPer and a PVE/RP player is huge, and the skill gap between PVPers of various skill levels is even bigger, so when those who only really have experiance with PVE give ship building advice they tend to get swarmed by alot of people telling them to stop giving ship building advice that isnt restricted to asthetics.
    Nov 1, 2014
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    As another casual player, I signed in long enough to reply. I have no idea what's going on around here anymore. This forum is the most toxic web community I've ever seen. Calling this place a dumpster fire is offensive to dumpster fires. I check in maybe once a month to see if there are updates, but I feel there's nothing of value here at SMD, nor would I even want to play with the types of folks on any side of any argument who regularly post here.

    /signs back out


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
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    Honestly, I think many of the people who call SMD "Toxic", or a "Dumpster fire" Haven't actually seen community's where those words CAN be accurately given to them. Compared to them SMD is a land of Hugs and Kisses.
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    Nov 25, 2016
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    As another casual player, I signed in long enough to reply. I have no idea what's going on around here anymore. This forum is the most toxic web community I've ever seen. Calling this place a dumpster fire is offensive to dumpster fires. I check in maybe once a month to see if there are updates, but I feel there's nothing of value here at SMD, nor would I even want to play with the types of folks on any side of any argument who regularly post here.

    /signs back out
    That is how I often feel too. log on to see if there is any news or updates, and instead of finding useful information about these things, I am almost always confronted by flame wars regarding said news/updates.

    It becomes very difficult for a casual to navigate these forums and see what is going on in starmade, when 90% of the topics are rants about rants about a rant about the actual news. Sure there are the dev blogs, but it is usually just a vague blurb of information, and not very in depth.

    I can imagine to many casuals it gets frustrating enough that they just stop checking by the forums entirely.
    Sep 8, 2013
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    As a long time Starmade fan the current state of the forum is really painful to watch.
    Some people are constantly flaming and turning every update/devblog/balance-discussion into a warzone.
    Dec 20, 2016
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    "Shitshow" doesn't even begin to describe the pitiful state of this community.

    I checked in to see what was the status with the power update, and I'm signing back out of this as soon as I'm finish typing this.

    It's a mess, everything related to the future of Starmade (news, balance discussions) seems to be an excuse for a flame war. Not a single new player stumbling on this would want to be involved in the development of this game, nor does any of the existing active members seem to care about it either, or at least not enough to give constructive feedback rather than attacking each others (like this war between pretentious PvP and PvE players suggesting not listen to others' opinion because they're supposedly better than them - how much up your own butt can you be?). JinM put it best : post something not comforting to the loud guys and you get 20 disagreeing responses.

    If I may expand on DoomCarrot's advice to chill : turn way down the ego and stop dividing an already small community into little camps fighting each others. Are you a community brought together by your interest for a little indie game, or is this "us versus them" mentality is more important to you?

    You're losers, we're all losers, we lose this community. Even the loud ones who are "winning" arguments because they're more numerous than the opposite camp.
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    Jun 17, 2015
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    As another casual player, I signed in long enough to reply. I have no idea what's going on around here anymore. This forum is the most toxic web community I've ever seen
    I really can't tell if you are being serious. This community is pretty polite aside from everyone disagreeing quite often. I think for the most part people are pretty respectful, at least on the forums. If you play this game online then you'll run into FAR more toxic people. The truly toxic people have either left or are sitting on a server wondering where everyone has gone.

    If speaking your mind and expressing your opinion is what you see as toxic, then I'm sure you see no fault in what the moderation team and others on the forum have been doing for the past few months.

    It becomes very difficult for a casual to navigate these forums and see what is going on in starmade, when 90% of the topics are rants about rants about a rant about the actual news. Sure there are the dev blogs, but it is usually just a vague blurb of information, and not very in depth.

    I can imagine to many casuals it gets frustrating enough that they just stop checking by the forums entirely.
    Why would you look to other players to see what is new in the game? In case you haven't noticed there hasn't been a significant update in almost a year. Development has been solely focused on recreating what was seen as a broken system. This new update has not seen much support from the small community that has even bothered to stick around. Anytime you try to discuss why the system is flawed or at least not an improvement, you are either ignored or ridiculed. This goes up to the highest level on this site. Criticism has been going on since before the update was even implemented, yet the voices of many experienced player have been ignored through the whole process.

    Many of these players you view as toxic have spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours playing and building in this game. To have an update wipe the slate clean, with no improvement seems like more than enough reason to protest. Many are rightfully frustrated with the aimless progress of game that holds so much potential. To be silenced or ignored makes it far worse.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    (like this war between pretentious PvP and PvE players suggesting not listen to others' opinion because they're supposedly better than them
    I'm not sure you're really paying attention if that's what you think all this is about.