Carrier recalled drones not recalling

    Sep 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 2
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    I outlined this in General Discussions, but the thread response makes me think it's time to shift to the support page. I've built a carrier using the new rails for launch and recovery. The carrier and all of the drones are in the same faction. I created a fleet with the carrier as the command ship and added all of the drones. I then docked all of the drones, each with their own pickup point.

    After I launch the drones, they respond to orders normally - sentry idle, idle, move to sector, and mine sector. When I order them to carrier recall, however, they all flock to the center of the sector rather than returning to the ship. I know that all of my docking rails are working, since I was able to dock the drones in the first place. I would appreciate any thoughts on what could be causing them to behave this way. I've lost my motivation to continue work on the carrier until I know that my fighters are going to actually work. Thanks.
    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
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    Bug averted - my carrier was not part of the fleet - I misinterpreted the Fleet UI. I'm an idiot, but at least my fighters are docking now.