
    Jun 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    What if cargo would take a real place in our planets, ships and stations? Our constructions would have to be bigger to hold all this stuff from planets and asteroids and building it would finally become a real challange.

    For example: To hold 10k of Rock you need to allocate 10x10x10 box in your ship for Cargo. Inventory should be smaller and you should have acces to your cargo during Build Mode.

    What do you think?
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree but insted of 10k of a item taking up a 10x10x10 grid it should be each plexichests can store say 50k of materials and a player inventory 25k, makes you have to use the chests more often and efficiently. ^_^
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    When you get loot its still go to cargo... and just limit inventiori space no resize it....
    Jun 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    But this is strange when i can hold 35236236346 of Insanium L5 in my pocket (in one slot!). It should be stored on a ship and then on planet/huge station with factory.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello, i like the idea of some cargo modules, or cargo spaces on the ship(similar to dosking + docking enhancers). I think player shoul have much smaller storage on himself. It would be less confortable then now, but real, usable cargo ships would be nice here :) (the ship core could have some basic storage, and you would be able to bouild your ship from items in your ship storage.. Also if you are on a base near some base storage.. you could be able to use it in the build process..

    plus the ship would be affected by its load...
    Jul 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i dont like having to scroll up and down in plex storage
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I like the inventory now because without it building would be difficult. I have a cuople hundred thousand blocks in my inventory right now for a huge ship im working on. if i could hold only 25k that would really suck
    Jul 31, 2013
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    I think inventory should be weight based. There is no reason you could carry 10,000 black hull blocks + 10,000 red hull blocks, but not 20,000 of either. Then, cargo ships actually full of items would have of a mass factor when going through space.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I suggest limiting stacks and make storage chests that are near echother actually link and when you open one you\'d open all of them in a single scrollable UI.

    For cargo vessels to actually become a thing, stacking should be 5, 10, 50, 100, etc depending on the item... it should be big stack size for small stuff like plants, chips and etc and low for rocks, hulls, etc.

    And to avoid building difficulties, you should have a special inventory in build mode that stacks all contents of your ship\'s storages, that way you can still easily build huge ships without needing to restock your inventory due to low stackability.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    For the purpose of easy building you could be enabled to create a virtual blueprint, without actually having all the blocks.. then, when the blueprint is complete, you would have something similar as docking bay(in functionality, with the docking enhancers), but it would be also a shipyard/factory... and you would feed the needed materials there(and the blueprint), and the shipyard would build the ship for you.. this could replace the actual \"buy from blueprint\" nechanism.. You could still modify the ship after this and create blueprint from modified ship, but you would have to transfer needed blocks to its cargo.. via some transport beam.. or by hand ;-)

    Another possibility would be to create small core ship with some cargo, transfer material and bouild around it.. expanding the cargo and transferring new material from factory as needed...
    Jul 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well i think you should have space for endless stacks in your inventory, but the number of all items together should be limited. So you can store in a player inventory for example 10000 items in any composition.

    For proper building the plexstorage should be reworked so the ship has its own inventory. By building more plexstorageblocks you can increase the overall number of blocks a ship can hold in its inventory by a certain amount. While building with the buildmode blocks would be automatically used from the ship inventory.

    With this being added building big ships is still not too difficult since you just can place a few hundred plex storages at the start (just like player build with the 10x10x10 tool a couple of shield generators at the beginning of a construction to be defended against pirates) and load all necessary items in it.

    Of course there should be a way to transfer items directly between two ship cargos if they are near to each other. With this a safe way to trade between players could be added, aswell as a way to limit the access of any player to your ships (exspecially within factions). Somekind of whitelist system would be a good idea.

    Giant freigthers would have a use.