Cargo holds for ships/smaller inventory

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Kinda strange that 62762973219784 metre cubed blocks can be held in the hands of an astronaut.

    There's not so much of a problem in this. One problem is that it's unrealistic (realism not being the main goal of the game) which isn't great. But also it means that players get ludicrus amounts of resources not by harvesting bodies of blocks with their great ships; players are instead using tiny ships to travel to stations/derelicts and then handpick (or use a build block) massive ammounts of expensive resources. \

    Another is that blowing up a player ship doesn't yeild all of the player's resources. I mean i've never used all the blocks i've taken from a station in a ship (I usualy can't sell them all either due to shop limits)

    Methinks it would be better if the player had some limits on the ammount of resources that they personaly carry. They can telleport some of the resources up to their ship. when in build mode of the ship the player has access to both his resources and the ship/stations. Furthermore harvesting beams which transmit items straight to the cargo can be filtered so that they don't fill the holds with dirt.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    Well, there are already containers that can be used for storing materials on the ships and being able to access both those and player inventory during building may be a decent idea. Though I am not overly sure about limiting the inventory. Maybe just decrease the max stacks of some items, so player either will have to carry less or this greter amount of blocks will just spread over several inventory \'slots\'. I wouldn\'t like it to be too restricted because in this case it would be token realism gained at the price of great functionality loss, as gathering and using resources would be plain pain in the butt.

    Build block which you can drop anywhere and use to disassemble the whole damn world I suspect is temporary thing, possibly an exploit and will be adjusted probably somewhere down the road.

    I am kinda surprised about the rest of your points. When you blow up a ship, no matter whose, the blocks completely destroyed disappear and cannot be salvaged so it\'s already like how you suggest. I am also suspicious baout your statement of having more blocks than the shop can handle - using admin commands, I just spawned several hundreds of all kinds of blocks to fill my whole inventory. The shop accepted them all and I am quite certain there are no default in-game structures that use more blocks than that. I also had no problem with selling oversized loot from pirate stations.

    Incidentally, I don\'t want magical teleportation of resources to the ship. With such possible, you can as well keep inventory as it is.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    As of right now, a station can only hold up to 10,000 of any single block. That means that the total capacity of a single station is 10,000 x (the number of blocks and items in the game)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    ~256-512 would seem like a good limit for stacks in the inventory. Perhaps adjacent plex storage blocks could turn into a single, large cargo unit? If damaged, they would spew out a random assortment of blocks in relation to the number of blocks destroyed.


    Resident Wall Flower
    Jul 13, 2013
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    This may sound extreme and most may not agree, but it would make me happy if the player only had the hotbar for inventory, stacks were only 100-200, and container blocks placed on ships or station couldn\'t touch eachother.

    This would make it so you actually depend on your ship to move large amounts of items and your ship/station is much more valuble to you than just the blocks it\'s made of.

    I\'m building a huge frieter ship that is going to be useless aside from asthetics, then there is a ship next to mine that consists of two container blocks, some power and some engines, which could probably contain my frieter several times over. It just feels so......wrong.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Currently we can place 1000 blocks at a time and you guys suggest we limits the stacks to 100-500?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    But when building you should be able to take blocks from an attached storage block automatically.

    In regards to the stack size, I\'d say that smaller is better. 250 - 500 sounds like a good number. Sure you can build ships consisting of 300K blocks, but bear in mind that those ships are created when virtually infinite credits are available. Upon balancing I imagine that these massive ships will become far less common.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I like Koloss\' idea of only allowing hotbar inventory being used, if only because it makes sense as in a \'toolbelt on the spacesuit\', rather than the Bag Of Holding style gigantic space we currently have. It sort of makes the flavour of the setting work nicer.

    Only problem though is that data entries like the stuff we find on stations and whatnot count as an item, and without some method of storing those in a way that allows carrying many text entries of that sort, like a openeable PDA device or something, we might eventually hit an issue where the smaller inventory the hotbar reduces us to means we can literally have so much paperwork we cannot mine. Just something to toss out there for people to think about anyway.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    I know, right ? Some people seem to be masochists or something, and some \"requests\" are so stupid most of the players don\'t even bother start laughing at them.

    BTW we can actually place up to 8000 blocks at once.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    Well...if this kind of thing could be worked into a \"realism mode\", or perhaps \"hardcore mode\", it might work.

    But if, like me, you sometimes like building with basically unlimited resources, you would far rather not be limited by having to make 10,000 trips to the nearest storage block in order to get more AMC cannon blocks, or whatever.

    Plus the previously mentioned issue of max 1-click placement (with symmetry planes) being 8000 blocks, which means that MINIMUM stack size would HAVE to be that much. Unless the game can take from multiple stacks? And even then, your inventory cannot hold 80 stacks...

    Perhaps if this \"hardcore mode\" prevented advanced build mode usage?