Cargo Docking Modules

    Jul 21, 2013
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    These two things still doesn't give a reason for automatic transferring blocks. And to have few thousands of plex storages (yet)
    Well, if there wouldn't be a reason, I wouldn't post this idea, would I?
    And transporting quadrillions of items might sound ridiculous, but factories(even not looped ones) could create such amounts with ease, if the right recipes are used, and the owner of the factory is crazy enough to add millions of factory-input-enhancers to it, which would btw be only a 100x100x100 cube of them.
    Nov 25, 2013
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    Current stack and credits limit, as i properly remember, was talked over in Q&A and it can be easily changed.

    When stack limit of plex storages would be implemented, do You really think that Devs wouldn't change a little mechanism of storages?
    I think it's very not likely that if we want to transport billions of blocks then we would need thousands of storage tabs. More likely is that connected plex storages would increase stack limit of one tab. So still we would need thousands of plex blocks, but without thousands of tabs.

    With stack limit of plex storages, transporting quadrillions of blocks could be done only with enormous ships, but still wouldn't require millions of tabs.

    I keep talking about ridiculously big amounts of tabs, because it's the only reason for automatic loading/unloading blocks as it would mean spending hours on transferring cargo, likely with huge lag.
    But so far and probably also in future, having more than 20 tabs wouldn't be needed to contain as much blocks as we would like.
    With current system, if anyone needs thousands of plex storages, then he needs to neat his plex storages, not implement new blocks. Damn pure laziness.

    I'd like to be able to transfer cargo to/from entity i'm docked to with other ways than either making few space walks and carrying everything in my inventory or building small ship consisting mostly from plex storages, but it could be done by GUI changes, not adding new docking blocks.

    BTW so far many factory enhancers are making lag spike every 5 sec, i had over 200k enhancers and ping was jumping to a dozen or so thousands. But it's likely it was due i also had many factory inputs (1 for each block in game).
    And while i had millions of each block type, while moving my factory from one station to another, i've used a ship with about 20 plex storages. And remember i was moving millions of each block type, and a recipe for each type. Thus i don't understand people who has so many plex storages, opening tab is lagging their game.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    I'd like to be able to transfer cargo to/from entity i'm docked to with other ways than either making few space walks and carrying everything in my inventory or building small ship consisting mostly from plex storages, but it could be done by GUI changes, not adding new docking blocks.
    It is true, that a change in how plex-storages are managed is likely to remove the problems one has with tons of plex-storages. But if the stack limit in a tab is increased above the capability of the used datatype(which currently is 2^31-1), the limit is still there(I'm talking about the GUI here, since the data can be split onto the separate plex-storages grouped together, but for the GUI all needs to be fitted into a single integer-type variable, and the long(biggest interger-type) can have a maximum value of 2^63-1).

    And an automatic transfer is also faster, though the economic pressure of time should be negligible in this game.
    Nov 25, 2013
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    I'm not against automatic transfer, but against idea of specific docking blocks needed for this.

    GUI solution does not mean stacking blocks into the same tab, different tabs still would be a reality, so plain 2^31-1 limit does not apply. Of course this limit number should be increased, even thought it's very rarely a limiting factor (2 bil blocks make an entity of 2km x 1km x 1km)

    Also once we get limited space in plex storages, getting to 2 billion (or even more once limit is raised) would require thousands of plex blocks. If we assume 1 plex block would give us 5k space for blocks, then we would need 400k of them.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    Well, I got you wrong then.
    And I only resorted to adding new blocks because:
    1. starting the transfer from within the inventory would create a lagspike while loading/instanciating all the tabs.(I'm talking about huge amounts again, since I can't imagine a GUI, that allows accessing all plex-storages, without having to load/locate all of them before showing up)
    2. blocks are much easier to implement, than GUI changes, regardless of where the change is and what was changed(unless only the location of a component was moved).
    I'd also support the different blocks only to be a temporary solution, and replacing them with other functions(like a button in a GUI), once the code for the transfer of all items in all storages of a ship is completely done(including all debugging, etc.).
    Nov 25, 2013
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    Still i don't see a reason for having more than 20 tabs. Other than extremely situations.

    If it happens that adding blocks would be easier/better than GUI changes, then i won't object, but IMO they aren't necessary. But i'm not a programmer :)