Captains Log (Day 2) Vengeance Is Best Served Cold

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Captains Log Day 2

    The KT-Vengeance (MKII) the pride of my fleet (well its actually more like a squad since i only have 3 ship designs but watevs) shiny black hardened hull and a similar design to a tie fighter.

    It was time i took my ship where no ship (of mine) has gone before, to a populated universe filled with life captains and ships of all types! and my ship would be the gem of them all (i mean cmon this thing is sexy........and i guess its alot like a woman.......only it fires missiles instead of refusing to sleep with me).

    I finally arrive at the new universe excited and eager to show off my ship, so i fly off to the closest shop with money in hand and order my beautiful ship, but apparently the store doesnt allow delivery to this universe.......... i was heart broken, almost crying when i decided "NO I REFUSE TO GIVE UP" (so i rebuilt the whole damn fucken ship while hiding from others in the far corner of the universe)

    Hrs seemed like minutes and the ship was rebuilt (plus some extra the fuzzy dice in the rear view mirror) and it was ready to flaunt its stuff, and after communicating with near by captains i found 1, his flat unweaponised ship woddled past as he said hello........(this was just sad, like i was expecting to upstage but i actually felt sorry for him).

    I continued my quest to show off my ship when i see a broadcast about someone being attacked by a fleet of pirates and i knew that i had to fly to his rescue and assist him (or her im not to sure this captain had a name like sure the name is common where he is from, i mean she! or...... fuckit moving on)

    it took a few minutes but i reached the right sector and used my gps to locate didnt take long to find the captain and the 40 or so pirates chasing him, at a distance i could see his ship but the pirates where still only red icons in my hud, so i figured oh good he has managed to outrun them........but after a while i noticed him getting closer....and closer untill i realised he wasnt outrunning him but infact he was flying a large frigate style craft (like this fucken thing was like that space craft on halo 4 only im sure it was called something like SS-SoFuqenBig) i also noticed his path and my path were aligned and that 1 of us should probably move.........he didnt seem all that worried about if i did or not so i made the call to begin evasive manuveres. (aka RUN BITCH RUN)

    It was no good his ship was to big and it collected me and begins to drag my ship from 1 sector to another (i felt like paris hiltons dog being dragged around in a purse helpless and to small to do shit all)

    the Captain then decided to fire his missiles which was located right infront of my ship.

    KT-Vengeance was down (and by down i mean i couldnt even salvage the core) but now i was mad! i targeted the captain before he left so i could chase him down. (he escaped....)

    By my pride as a captain i will have vengeance (literally im not talking about my ship this time) so i begin working on a new ship even bigger and better the the last. (this took forever so ill give u the short story 48000 hardened hull was used and my missiles were 5x5x20 and i had 4 of them AND THESE ARE HOMING!, plus 2 of the same in lasers). the ship wasnt pretty but it didnt have to be it had 1 and destroy!.

    After finding out my ship used all its energy just to move 10 feet i had to go back and redesign the power system but i got it all working perfectly quite quickly (40 mins...) and was off and running and ill admit it moves quickly, from 0 - 50 in about 3 secs. 10 minutes go by and i have finally located the captain and vessel (aka the abominal black penis ship, made the name up myself! patent pending!!!)

    it took me another 2 minutes to catch him but he finally stopped at a shop, "haha my time has come, now repent sinner as u watch your ship waste away into dust!!", i fire my 4 high powered missiles at the ship and upon hitting the ship i noticed his shield had protected him (ARE U KIDDING ME HOW MUCH DOES HIS SHIELD TAKE!) but i was not discouraged i began firing my lasors at him to keep his shield dwindling untill my next missile strike was ready but unfortunatly he has spotted me and has begun to turn my way, i begin to strafe around him to stay out of firing range and lock on but its to late for him anyway his shields are down and my missiles are up (boom bitch!) they fire and hit doing massive damage and penetrating his hull but only enough to see inside and not hurt his equipment

    i keep dancing around him and delivering hard blows to him, his ship took a nasty hit to the jets causing him to greatly slow down more. i get a communation saying "mercy i yeild i yeild please stop" in which i reply " sorry all out of mercy today" (hahahaha god i crack myself up) i fire my missiles deep into his ship for the 5th time hitting his sweet spot (insert dirty joke here) and bringing him down to a 27669 sec overheating phase (now i could of just left him to dismantle his own ship in sadness untill it finally blows up but then again im a bit of a i didnt and kept firing missiles till just some hull and core were left)

    I flew off and left the universe quite proud and happy (actually i left incase he spawned a new ship and came for me)

    End of Captains Log (Day 2)

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    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanx for the support if you want please feel free to quote your fav part it will help me understand you guys better and understand what makes my stories so fun for you guys
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanx, ive been playing pretty heavy but its getting harder to write stories on it as the game is still limited but i want to know if ppl would prefer me to keep writing based on what i do or if ppl are happy for me to throw a more fiction roll on it and maybe even incorporate some of you guys into my story

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