Captains Log (Day 1) Fail Ship's R Us

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Captain Kai-Tiger

    The first ship has been completed and i am ready to set sail into space, the ship has been named KT-Vengeance.

    After a quick weapons test on the forrest planet Norath (shot the shit out of the ground) i set off to begin mining and pirate hunting.

    After passing through sector 9,6,6 i was beamed with a report about nearby pirates passing through the sector (bout time), so i prepared the gps and went full speed ahead (at 50km'h?) .

    Upon reaching the 3 pirates i ambushed them from the side blasting them with my dual anti matter canons (die u sob's) and single kb missile, unfortunatly the missles are to slow and miss every time (useless!).

    3 minutes into the battle and i lose my last cannon (fuck!) and was forced to retreat to a nearby planet to inspect the ship for damages (pirates are apparently slow as shit so this was not hard).

    after landing (plummeting and crashing) on the planet i get out to find half my ship was in ruins cannons and missles gone 70% of my hull was missing or cracked (turns out hardened hull is more expensive for a reason but i couldnt afford it).

    after replacing the holes in my hull with leaves from a local tree and using my spare weapons computer to get a single canon working i head off into space to find a shop (dont look at me like that leaves looked better then dirt).

    2 hrs of mining and shopping and the Vengeance MKII is up and running bigger better and stronger (quad anti matter canons, quad BB homing missiles, cloaking shielding and hardened hull all over, booya bring it!!!!)

    I take my 2 hrs of frustration out on a nearby station testing out the powers of my missiles, after 1 shot and watching all my missles detour off the station (as if they were insulted and embarrased by there step mum and didnt want to blow up anymore) i got angry, i aimed for the middle pillar at the very base and fired off all 4 missiles they bounced off like before but hit the surrounding area putting nice little holes in everything.

    suddenly pleased with the destructive force of my ship i set sail once again for pirates.

    maybe 12 sectors later i get my wish i see 3 pirates coming right at me i fly straight at them only to come to a screeching holt as several more red squares show up on my screen (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ......8 ships! eff off!!) this was gonna be tough so i fire off my missiles at the first 1 and instantly realised i have a 20 second window per shot (fuck nuggets!!!!) so i begin firing my canons at enemy number 2 and by this stage they have opened fire on me 2.

    During the battle i can see the glass and hull infront of my ship being damaged and destroyed but the shield is helping greatly, my missiles are up and ready again and the ship i fired on is floating around as rubble and is no longer a threat so i target the next ship and begin to rinse and repeat.

    When i reach the 8th pirate my ship no longer has operational ............well anything, all i have is the back end of my hull my salvage canon computer my core and some thrusters, a grand plan comes to mind and i fly towards the last enemy eject out when close and begin to manually dismantle his ship i quickly dig deep into his core room and begin to work.

    i earned myself brand new parts to rebuild my ship with and a new core also. which is good cause my ship floated off into space when i rammed him..........(the ship was found later and scrapped for parts)

    This is the end of Captains Log (Day 1)

    Please leave leave a comment reguarding these stories as id like to know if more ppl want me to post these stories of me playing
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yes, Hilarious! Not sure if you were trying to be funny, but this was very exciting to read. I would love to see more.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    No really it was.

    Also if you want to increase the speed your ships fly at you can go into the server.cfg this seems like it would only effect you if you hosted a server but it effects your singleplayer as well. this raises the speed limit on the universe from 50km/h to whatever you set it to, i find 100km/h works quite well but im not sure what is the best,
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    ah thats good to know cheers found it weird i have a mini death star and it plops around slower then a 1960 datsun
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Nice story, and I commend your skills, as you were able to take down 8 pirates and, at that, take down one with virtually no ship left. I recommend putting effort into your missiles, they obliterate nearly everything, and can hit anything you let them get a lock on, and upgrading them can make them have a smaller recharge time, move faster, and have a larger blast radius, i have 4 missile launchers in lines of 7, their blast radius seems to be so large that if they hit the right spot, the core is completely obliterated. I also have LOTS of shields so that I don\'t have to make many repairs if any. Due to you ramming the last pirate to get to his ship and disable it, i might advise making a battering ram, a long arm with disentegrater explosives at the end, which explode on contact with anything (careful!) a creative way to do this could be to make a giant boxing glove with explosives. Please make more =3
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would just like to say the positive feedback has been amazing and very encouraging 1 day id like to upgrade to a lets play system on youtube but for now i have pen and paper.

    to thank you all part 2 is out and i hope you enjoy it just as much as this 1
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    I would so watch that lets play, This story is funny, well written and completely believable.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    My writing is altered as the way its played is a bit more boring but otherwise these are things that happen to me so i find them easy tobwrite
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    There is an over abundance of \'lets players\' on youtube, and too few story-tellers. Stick with writing your stories and you could potentially create your own niche of content, and appreciative fans.

    In a world where every MMO tries to be WoW, and every shooter tries to be CoD, I challenge you to do something different!

    I know I\'d keep reading.

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i will definatly keep it up dw and if u want please feel free to quote your favourite part/s to help me understand my audience better