Can't get warp gates to work.

    Sep 27, 2014
    Reaction score
    I'm using the latest version of the game, v0.171
    I'm playing on a dedicated server hosted by myself, for me and 2 friends.
    I've made one change in the server config - changed travel speed from 75km/h to 150km/h.

    Both gates are mounted on a game-generated station.
    Warp gate A has a power access of 210.000, 8.400 e/sec, located at (0, -2, -1).
    Warp gate B has a power access of 50.000, 70.000 e/sec, located at (-9, -21, -17).

    I've done the marker beam thingy many times by now with no success, right click on one computer to save it's location and then left click on the other and vice versa.

    I've tried to enter both portals with the 2 ships that you can see in the first image.

    I honestly can't think of anything that I should need to add or have done wrong, I get no error messages from the computer, all I get is "Warpgate Ready".

    Suprisingly Google was of no help in this matter, please help me solve this..

    Warp Gate A.

    Warp Gate B.
    Sep 27, 2014
    Reaction score
    Thanks Commodore, I did read that entire thread right about after I made this one.
    As you said, I couldn't really find any solutions other than a bunch of guesses, It's good to know that I'm not the only one having problems with this though.
    I will try to rotate my gates and/or computer to see what happens, as it seems to solve it for some.
    Sep 27, 2014
    Reaction score
    So I've played around with different directions on both the computer and the gates, so far I've seen no pattern to what seems to be the issue, I got Warp Gate A to work by just rotating the gate 90 degrees, Warp Gate B won't activate no matter what I try
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Move the location of the ring on the station. I got mine to work above the station and on one side of the rounded top part (it wouldn't work in the middle on top or on the other sides of the top). The computers are probably marked correctly, so no need to move the computers.
    Sep 27, 2014
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    It just won't work out for me, I've moved around both gates and computer all over the place, I've even tried another station.
    I'll just settle for a one-way gate until a new release comes around

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Try having them hanging over the edge. Could be that it wont let you activate it because its to close tom something.