Can't connect to my server

    Jul 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ok so im visiting family, my home PC has all the data on my ships etc, so i set up a dedicated server before i left, took down my IP, which for me is only a ipv4 e.g 12.345.67.89 not ipv6 e.g 12.345.67.89:8899, im at my brothers im trying to connect as i only have a ipv4 im using the :4242 prefix the game asks for, but the game is hanging at 'connecting to 12.345.67.89:4242' can someone please tell whats wrong.

    Extra info - i have donne this before several time while staying at my brothers, however when i arrived this time one of my darling nephews had deleted the starmade folder >.< so i have had to reinstall the game, i have put in everything as before but now it wont connect, so im guessing im missing something from my previous setup.

    Thank you to anyone inadvance for any help (even if it doesnt work ^^ )

    Aeon Dragon