Cannot find pirates or planets

    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I've spent the better part of my time with this game flying aimlessly in search of pirates or planets. I've found neither.

    The game feels extremely barren. I haven't found a single randomly spawned pirate ship. Well, I've found a couple pirate bases, which seem to only have turrets around the perimeter. Am I supposed to be able to destroy the base? I don't know how powerful I need to be, because there aren't any enemies.

    According to an ancient legend, there are discs of dirt with atmospheres that serve as planets in this game. Such things would have trees and other plants growing from them. I think it's a fairy tale, though. I haven't found a single one.

    Am I the victim of some bizarre glitch? Am I missing something important? Does anybody else have this problem?
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Effluvial, haven\'t you seen those colored circles/spheres that looked like athmospheres in the background ?

    Those are planets, you just have to fly to one. You must be able to see some of those athmosphere effects at all time, no matter where you are.
    Jun 9, 2013
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    The pirate bases, the ones with turrets on it, have loot in storage containers on them. Destroy the turrets. Take the loot. Simple. Whether you are powerful enough or not depends on you. If you are unsure, don\'t attempt it. Mine asteroids, buy parts, build better ships. A lot of trial and error. Can\'t really tell you anything about the planets though. Sounds like a sector problem. Try going through your navigation panel looking for planet markers in a place you think one might be.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think my issue was due to the loading time of the planets. They only seem to load as actual objects when you enter their vicinity, like a sector.

    Before you suggested this, I had picked one of the planets and flown directly towards it. Eventually, I had \"entered\" its vicinity, causing the planetary image that I had been flying towards to disappear as the game loaded the actual planet. As I didn\'t know that this was happening, it had seemed as if the planet had despawned once I got near, like a generic background element. At this stage I am still flying at max speed, causing me to shoot past the slowly loading planet. The game then considers me outside of the planet\'s sector, and adjusts the background accordingly. This causes disorientation, making it feel as if I had reached the edge of the sector and been warped to the edge of a different sector, affirming the idea that the planet had been a background element.

    After reading your post, I tried again. I became disorientated a few times as described above, but eventually succeeded. I flew in the direction of a planet and then, when I \"entered\" its vicinity, I immediately stopped and crept slowly forward. After a few moments, I could see chunks of the planet loading.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    No offense, but mining asteroids sounds like the most boring possible thing you could do in this game. The only opposition is your attention span.

    I suppose it isn\'t fair to expect much direction from a game that\'s so early in development, though. Maybe in the future there can be missions, and randomly spawning pirates.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    To find pirates, I occasionally check my Navigation Menu (N) and look for any red diamonds that indicate pirates. I hope this helps!