Can pirate fighters undock from a pirate carrier?

    Jul 11, 2013
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    I couldn't find any post concering this problem, so i'll go ahead and post this thread.

    I fail in my attempts to make an pirate carrier. What i fail with, is to not being able to make the fighter ships undock by themselves from the pirate carrier.

    I'm not sure if this is even possible.

    I have made sure that all fighter ships have faction + boby ai (ship, active) and are docked. Then i enter the carrier core and save the blueprint.

    But once the carrier spawns as pirate, all the fighter ships remain docked - even when faced with an enemy.

    The fighter ships will just sit at their docking platforms, completely stuck, and function as a turret.

    I vaguely remember seeing(at some random server) a pirate ship having an smaller attack ship which undocked itself and started attacking. From what i've heard/read, the problem should be that they won't dock themselves - after the fight. But i'd be happy if they'd just undock for the actual fight...

    I appreciate any help i can get.

    / Kitts