Cameras, monitors, and programmable computers

    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I love Starmade, and therefore I would like to make a suggestion that would make the game better (for me at least) and slightly more realistic, although mostly just fun. My idea would be to have the sd cockpit be only a camera with the ability to link up to a monitor block (multiple monitors together link up to be one large screen) that would display what is going on in the direction that it's facing, this would enable multiple views at the same time. (as well as give purpose to large bridges on ships... because everything inside a ship is just decorative, and feels like it's lacking usefulness.) As well as monitors there should be an option for people who are willing to learn it, to use a programmable computer/AI. Much like the minecraft mod "Computer Craft". With programmable computers you could make a ship, give it coordinates, and have it patrol sectors just like the AI, maybe program a repair station, or have a computer mine through any asteroids in the area, bring the resources to a premade factory, deposit the goods and use said goods to create another miner >=). Say hello to the replicators! Of course you would have to program it all by hand and if you can program something like that then you deserve to be praised/worshiped on whatever server you are on, that is unless another person also has the programming capability, then it would mean a large scale battle where two or more sides of autonamous fighters, escorts, and lineships would duke it out to determine the ruler of the server. This would be a perfect adition to any roleplaying server ;). Please tell me what you think below. =]