Buying blueprints with blocks changes.

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I want to make a couple of suggestions about this new feature.

    1. Make hull universal. i.e. you can you other hull colors AND wedges/corners to buy a ship. Black and gray are the two most common hulls in the game, while other colors are pretty hard to come buy aside from going from shop to shop. Same with wedges/corners, they do not exist outside of custom pirate ships. This encourages making all ships out of these two colors with no wedges/corners and heavily stifles creativity.

    Of course, ships using hardened hull can only use other hardened hull to pay for the ship.

    2. Add a threshhold for a smell credit payment (Server config). Say if you set a threshhold of 1,000,000. Up to 1,000,000 credits worth of blocks can be paid with credits. This way we don't have to carry around EVERY block to buy a ship; particularly things like computers which we generally only need one of.

    3. Add a server option to change how often shops restock. Self-explanatory.
    Aug 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen

    Maybe I\'m stupid but how does this \"feature\" works ? In the new release notes we can read:

    - fixed bug where player would have to have the credits to buy a blueprint although it\'s set to buy-with-blocks

    Meaning I guess that one could buy a BP having all the requiered ressources needed (blocks in place of credits) which is a real good idea but how to \"configure\" that ? Found nothing on the internet ...

    Aug 2, 2013
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    The point of the buying-blueprints-with-blocks feature is to limit and control the over powered nature of the blueprint system.

    All blocks are currently available in the game, it is just a matter of acquiring and manufacturing them. That aspect of the game has been emphasized and balanced more with the ship building aspect, through this change. This also applies to the store restocking comment. Any stifling of creativity can be fixed through gaining material wealth or perhaps cooperation.

    Plex storage blocks make it so you dont have to carry around computers in your inventory. Also, why can\'t you just buy the computers at the store?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    All blocks are currently available in the game BUT the distribution of said blocks is very limited. It doesn\'t make sense to arbitrarily punish by forcing them to spend several hours acquiring shopping for the required blocks just because they wanted to use say... green instead of black/gray. You can always make it a server option.

    I don\'t see any reason to be against a configurable server option. Let the admin decide, so long as the option is there.

    Lukestrike: The option is on the bottom of the server config.\"BLUEPRINT_BUY_WITH_BLOCKS\"
    Aug 2, 2013
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    i agree that as long as it is just a config for server there is no harm