Building the first light speed ship in starmade

    Jun 19, 2013
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    My friend and I, both novice quantum physicists and builders, have decided to build the first "light speed warp" ship in starmade. I crunched the numbers and found that the relative speed of light in starmade (given that yes it is a game so the physics aren't quite the same) is ~10500kmh.

    In the real world the calculation to reach the speed of light (WARNING-science ahead. If this stuff goes way over your head, just skip to the third paragraph) is c / 1.5 ? 200,000 km/s, whereas "c" equals the actual speed of light. This formula would imply that to reach the speed of light would require more and more energy approaching infinity exponentialy until you hit the speed of light. Also in the real world an event called "time dialation" occurs as you approach the speed of light which results from you becoming a singularity whilst 99.99999etc.% of the speed of light. Essentially this all means that in a linear environment with exponentialy diminishing energy returns, where your mass essentially increases faster than the ammount of energy you can produce in a pheasible, unaltered plane of existence, with no catylyst for reaction, nor some physics altering futuristic device to warp space, it is very impossible to reach or break the speed of light.

    However, starmade is not the real world nor is there an un-overcomeable linear law of diminishing returns. In starmade, there is also no time dialation meaning that with sustainable power, it is pheasibly possible to achive the speed of light. While this would only be for a few brief moments, it would still be long enough to carry you hundreds of sectors. In my scholarly opinion, it is possible in starmade to build a ship capable of achieving the speed of light. And for all intents and purposes, with enough time and resources, you could essentially hit c2 (twice the speed of light), although this may be an impossible feat (atleast for now, :)).

    So far, we have built a ship capable of sustainable flight up to 3500-4000kmh, which is 35%of our inevitable goal. We are experimenting with more and more effecient engine designs and slowly making our way to 10K. If anyone has advice, or has actually built a ship capable of reaching sustainable flight at 10,500kmh, please tell us, as it is much appreciated. Thank you!

    Megaave and Blaze.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I made a ship that is capable of reaching 12.000 kph



    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Yes, but even if they change the server speed, it doesnt mean that the ship will be able to acheive 10K. they are building a ship that can achieve that, i think you may have misread the OP
    Feb 13, 2013
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    Well I started trying this and after the second try starmade died...

    Well I need a new computer.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Just make a ship 1000m long, the core at one end, a docking point the other. Get your friend to sit in the core, while you get in another one and dock onto the end. Have your friend rotate the long ship. Measure the distance you\'ve travelled and the time it\'s taken you, and work out the speed from that. If it\'s not fast enough, simply add more blocks to the long ship.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    Achieving very high speed is idiotically easy. High ratio of thrusters versus rest of the blocks/total mass and no matter your design, you\'ll be going fast.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I don\'t care about no relativity bullshit, you want to go the speed of light=c you best be makin\' a ship that goes 1.079253E9 Km/h (299,792,458 m/s) or it has yet to be achieved. Make Einstein Roll in his grave...but I\'m going to tell you right now, 10500 Km/h in Starmade will not look impressive.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think everyone is being a bit agressive about this, but to say \"not to be rude\" then procede to debunk their whole idea, insult their understandings and skills and, say their challenge is actually a piece of can\'t do both those things in the same post. Regardless of how true any of the above points may have been, this could have been approached differently. For example (and this is my view):

    Unfortunately, there is not a lot of depth to starmade\'s physics at the moment, and speed is a somewhat trivial thing, often limited by the server speed. As others have said, perhaps your speed of 10,000 kph is somewhat easy to achieve, but I would be curious to see just how fast someone can go before the game gives.

    Furthermore, I think this would be a fantastic opportunity for improvement of the game. As it stands, speed is kind of like, you go full speed and accelerate there very fast, or you get there very slowly. I would like to see a more in depth system that could take into account mass, ramp up power consumption exponentially for larger engines, add relativity, and so on. This if done right, would mean capital ships could be lumbering giants, easily outpaced by fast fighters. You could sacrifice shields for speed, counting on outrunning your enemy. Advanced players would then have to develop efficient engine and power structures to get larger ships to go faster, with the pinnacle of speed tech being a ship which can very briefly, perhaps running on stored power, not regen, speed up to light like speeds (very fast), and effectively jump a significant number of sectors.

    Anyway, that\'s my 2 cents, I\'ll let you all continue as you were.