Yep but that's a lot of diagonal lines though. The really tricky part is where to make the line start from, currently the horizontal and vertical ones star from the face of a block so is that going to be the case here or are we going from the edge of one?
I think this will require three additional advanced controls: +/-X (offset in the X direction; can be -1, 0, or 1, maybe more (server-configurable) offset numbers for more acute angles) and the same for the Y and Z directions. With each unit in the given direction altered by the selected offset. The placed group of blocks would start where it always does.
For instance, you set up a dimension of 1x7x9 to create a wall, and then set the X offset to 1. Now you have a wall that would normally start and go straight up, but is now laying at a diagonal angle across the X dimension. Combine that with a wedge block selection for building at the right orientation, and PRESTO! instant diagonal angled wall.
It would be tricky, and would still require skill, but you could lay down angled walls very fast once you figured it out.
Edit: You could also use angle offsets to create power generator lines in bulk, without bunching them all together. Also, waffleboards.