Bugs on new recipe factory system

    Jul 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    - Playing around with the "old" factory/crafting system i was excited to find an easier system which shows needed components ingame. But while browsing through different recipes i am missing some components!

    I.e. the grey hulls:

    4 Ice Leaves (check - found on planets)

    4 SD:W 1 Memory (check - can be crafted)

    8 PowerCoil (what? - where do i get these?!)

    So - where do i get power coils? (FIXED)

    - And a bug - if you have a recipe and its dropped on the floor by moving out of inventory or dropped out of a destroyed chest/fabicinput then it becomes a "unknown" recipe which cant be used or sold.

    - Another bug: if you set the recipe price on the server to a custom value in the server.cfg (i changed it to 500) and you buy a recipe - the shop will USE ALL available resources for the purchase - i.e. i had 22k purple hulls with me and bought the recipe - all hulls were gone, not only 500.

    - One more bug: if you try to "sell" a recipe by drag&dropping it over the shop (sell button) the game crashes.

    - Last but not least: Sometimes if you try to purchase a recipe in the shop there will be an error message "You cannot afford this!" You need 500, available 0. -- Even if you have that amount in inventory... (This happens on ALL "manifacturing" items in the shop - so i can currently not buy ANY recipe for basic materials.) (FIXED)

    - Found one more issue: While drag&dropping an recipe - its icon changes to another item type!

    - Last thing: the schemandyne advanced item (new purple item) and the SD Y - series icons cant be placed like the other ones (SD W etc.). Might be a bug also.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Purchased!
    There\'s a power coil factory (and power cell factory) in the block editor, along with power coils and power cells, which did not exist in the game. That may be why the recipe included them (because they existed in the blockconfig and it didn\'t know they were never spawned).

    Sounds like it wasn\'t actually tested at all before being released. :V
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Similar problem, recipe requires a block that you can\'t procure anymore ex, recipe for x5 grey hull requires Schemadyne Advance (238)


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    Thanks for the reports, folks! Keep \'em coming!


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    The new version fixes one of the bugs: There were depricated ingridients which can\'t be gotten anywhere. It\'s now fully customizable (with the default being: only use ingridients that are available in shops)