Bug Reporting Tool


    Nov 11, 2013
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    First off, I like the handy bug reporting tool on the connection setup screen and use it all the time, thanks for making it work again! However, each report takes 10 minutes to send (for me anyways) and I've not once gotten any kind of feedback on my many reports, EVER. I always put my email in the report and it's the same as my SM forums account email.

    Is any work being done to improve the bug reporting tools performance or functionality?

    Can you:

    1. Add a read reciept to the files sent so that we know our reports are even being recieved?
    2. Reduce the sending time to something similar to an email (1-2 minutes?)
    3. Maybe you could add a questionare that applies to common bugs or perhaps specific content reciently altered?

    Adding new content to SM is fantastic, but having a more solid bug reporting tool would probably make the Devs jobs a bit easier.
    Nov 25, 2013
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    Some time ago bugs reported with the built-in tool were received and reviewed, i don't know how it is now, because Starmade has its own bugtracker http://bugs.star-made.org/. Probably bugs reported with the bug report tool in the launcher are also reviewed but the major job of bugfixing is done based on the bugtracker, because it saves a lot of Schema's time as testers are doing their best in reproducing bugs and narrowing down sources of each issues.

    I suggest to instead using the bug report tool, use the bugtracker, here is some info on how to do it.

    And if You want to work with other testers, write to AndyP i think they always welcome players willing to help.

    Schema most likely isn't responding to Your reports, because he has all the data You could provide him. I had only 2 e-mails from him asking for screenshots of glitches or ship's blueprint, so no feedback does not mean he didn't get Your report, he's just a busy man :)
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    Jan 22, 2014
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    Those reports seem to go directly to schema's email account and I don't believe he's paying much attention to them anymore, now that he has the tracker.

    If you don't want to sign up to the tracker, you can also just use the Game Support forum. Sometimes I will use the information provided there to create tickets for me or other testers to process.


    Nov 11, 2013
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    Ok, I was not aware of the "official" tracker... I'll start using that instead HOWEVER, seeing as the reporting tool is in the game launcher, there is potential in it and maybe in the future it could be improved so as to better utilize its conveniences?

    Or removed, whichever works for Schema. There should probably only be 1 bug reporting repository right? So efforts can be focused.