Bug report after a play through

    Dec 21, 2014
    Reaction score
    Having just finished a run though Starmade I thought I'd mention a couple of glitches that I encountered for your information.

    Mostly the game was very stable, especially so since its still in alpha. I did however have a few problems:

    1. Keybindings. As a left handed person I use the Numpad keys instead of the WSAD setup (and I'm not alone either). This caused me endless crashes and grief when I first played the game as it turns out they're reserved for debugging and will **** everything if you assign key bindings to them. Though I eventually figured this out its something you really need to change (or at least warn people away from them until you do) - we are 1/10 of the the population after all!

    2. Disappearing blocks. Sometimes I'd look at my ship and half the hull would be missing. On a reload it'd appear again.

    3. Idiot bug. I call it that because I felt like an idiot for continuing to play after it ****ed me royally.

    It started on a planet, nice frame rate all things considered until a few pirates did a flyby and sent me inexplicably down to 2-3 frames/sec. After a while I thought 'to hell with this' and left the surface to re-join with my capital ship in orbit.

    As I neared my ship, say 1 Km away there was a jarring change of scene and I found I was now 2 Km away from my ship. I flew towards it again, and the same thing happened again, only now putting me 2.5 Km away from my capital. This happened again & again - every time I got near it, it'd dump me further & further away, until I was so far away I couldn't see the damn thing on my radar.

    I eventually made it back only to find that my ship had now disappeared entirely (and no, I'm sure it wasn't shot down). That added to your no-save policy meant that I'd lost several days worth of grinding.

    Anyway, apart from that lot the game was very stable, so well done (mostly)!

    Cheers & Happy New Year!



    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    That ship keeping to jump away from you happens in rare case.

    When you are able to mark it as target, hit tab + F8 to take control of it, without needing to fly to it.

    On the other try, you can enter:

    /search <shipname>

    without the <> but with the first few letters of the name, it should show the sector it is in then.

    You can do a /change_sector x y z to it then.

    - Andy