Bug BufferOverflowExc org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.shapes.BlockShapeAlgorithm.a(SourceFile:1080)

    Jun 26, 2013
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    I would post something on the bug tracker, but apparently I can't:
    - block config as shipped by the game
    - no operating system protections delaying or influencing the game behavior
    - no changes made by servers with modified games (like warp gates or any non-standard content)

    Yes I have seen servers damaging the client permanently and changing its behavior without having to install any file to the client directory. Just by fiddling around serverside.
    because (1) I have my blockbehaviorconfig set to match ElwynEternity's, (2) have no intention of disabling Windows Defender, and (3) have played on ElwynEternity. I believe the bank is a custom plugin. (How could a server permanently damage a client without installing any files anyways?)

    Instead, I'll ask if anyone is seeing this in their logs:
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03] java.nio.BufferOverflowException
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(Unknown Source)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at java.nio.DirectFloatBufferU.put(Unknown Source)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.shapes.BlockShapeAlgorithm.a(SourceFile:1080)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.shapes.BlockShapeAlgorithm.a(SourceFile:1057)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.shapes.BlockShapeAlgorithm.a(SourceFile:1019)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at org.schema.game.client.view.cubes.CubeMeshBufferContainer.a(SourceFile:201)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at obfuscated.if.a(SourceFile:98)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at obfuscated.gF.a(SourceFile:84)
    [2015-05-31 18:14:03]     at obfuscated.gK.run(SourceFile:286)
    I noticed lines like '[CLIENT] Exception: BufferOverflowException in computing Lighting of Asteroid' near some of the caught exceptions.

    It's spammed throughout mine. In addition, it looks like the culprit in a crash I experienced when I tried to jump a prototype miner to a planet yesterday in sandbox (I had been building/testing it there because EE has been crashing every 15 minutes).

    Said ship was about 60m in one direction, but has a large docked entity with another large docked entity docked to that, both of them shaped like an L around 360m in two directions, apparently large enough that when I flew from one end to the other just now it acted ghostly (I phased through the blocks at the other end and couldn't get in the core there, for some reason). The final arm also wasn't rotating or firing correctly when I pressed the on button (there was only one beam, and no rotation from the final arm, instead of ~700 beams and rotation). The other day when I built that arm it was working fine, and since the logic and dock for it is all at the far end, I'm guessing it didn't work for the same reason I phased through it. Probably wasn't loaded for some reason. (After restarting StarMade, it was no longer ghostly, and the beams all existed, but the rotation wasn't working. Probably one of the wireless links isn't connected still, which isn't a bug, obviously.)

    Who knows, maybe that's related to the crashing.

    (I just attempted to build a rail line from one end to the other, but I must have done something wrong because I couldn't get the docked ship cube to transition from horizontal to vertical like the wiki says is possible, and after moving it over the transition, once it reached the other end, and it hit the final rail piece which was facing the opposite direction, the rail-car went back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, which is fine, except when I got out by pressing R, my view continued to go back and forth. :eek: (At which point I exited StarMade))