Buff the dis-inergtarots?

    Apr 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Recent I've been playing aroind with dis-inergrator blocks and I must say I am really dissapointed. I have created a guded missile the size of a small ship and when I tested it out on an asteroid I found out that a single block does less damage than a missile and that in order to do greater damage than an missile pack of equvivalent size you must create 2-3x bigger bulk of dis-intergrators.

    I'd like to see them buffed to 5-10 times their current explosive power in boths size and damage. Also I'd like to see them do atleast 50% hull damage to shields to make them worth it. Give them a feel of a fission/fusion/antimatter warhead that you can mount onto a small ship in order to turn it into a deadly torpedo, that can be shot down.

    P.S. Giving the Bobby module a third - torpedo- setting next to ship/turret would also be great.