broken map

    Jun 20, 2013
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    when i say 'map' i mean the map that you look at to find out where the hell you are in this case pressing 'p' to open the map ingame but all i get is a small white box that is rotatable and not zoomable, clickable or anything els...its JUST a white box nothing more so i found a error to do with the map it sais:

    data/shader/cubemap.vsh - MaterialColor HANDLE -1

    the file is defenatly there i checked but i cant look at the file being it is a vsh so i have no idea what in the world allows you to actuly view a strange file type like that but that does not matter, sorta being that if i could look at it i would probably be able to fix it, but it also sais:

    data//shader/projectiles/standard/projectileQuad.vsh - time HANDLE -1

    same with this file being it is their also the rockets in the game work fine even with this shader error occuring. so what i realy have wunted to say all along is whithought a map its kinda hard to find your ship that you lost aaand thats what has happened...i lost 3 of my ships out in space being i was shot from a enemy that suddenly appeared out of no where and shot me, while i was out of my ship, and now im stuck exploring the never ending space for 3 ships that are in the exact same place (i.e. sector) so for me its like trying to find 3 needles in a haystack thats the size of the univers -_- yay.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    pressing left shift fixed it but why did it i pressed every logical button that should have done something (of which it just allowed me to move the box around) but still my other problem persist...finding my ships, the map is pretty much useless being there are like 1000 stations on the map and i died next to a enemy station a pirate station (sp btw) and will take days to find which would probably take longer to find then actually building it again, so what the map needs is a ship displayer so you can find your ship if it gets lost...or ships that and a safe place you KNOW where it won’t get taken when you where online (on a server) and had to go or have to go afk but that should be discussed in another topic anyway thanks for the unusual solution.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I agree that the map system is lacking. I would like for the map to be rotatable and have lots of metadata and explorable using the mouse and WASD similar to Unreal. You can save waypoints or something my friend was telling me but would that really be helpful because you\'d have to know you were about to die before saving a waypoint or you\'d have to periodically save (or the game could autosave :D). I got lost in space once and it was HORRIBLE. I accidentally, like a newb, ejected myself out of my ship during a collision glitch and my character\'s position in space was constantly moving away from my ship even when I wasn\'t moving it using WASD... Even using the full battery of admin commands it was still difficult to enter myship once I found it because my character kept involuntarily strafing away from the ship. I donno if any of this makes sense to you, but it was horrible nontheless. In your case I suggest you save the ship to the catalog until they get the system worked out, and if you lose your ship or die or get stuck away from your ship, use the admin command to give yourself the exact amount of credits to buy the ship, and simply find a shop. If you want to erase any extraneous ships you may have lost you can use admin commands fo that. To reiterate, please make the 3D map useful. It\'s really neat. I like the HUD but it could be improved as well and interoperability with the 3D map would be a place to work on. For instance, why does the HUD display yellow, grey, white, and blue diamonds with sector numbers, entity names, and so forth, whereas the 3D map shows little to no info and doesn\'t color code and isn\'t easily learned. I still can\'t think of a single useful thing that can be done with the 3D map. I understand it\'s in alpha but i think it should be revisited in a big way. Still a Great game! Thanks.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    i posted the map icons here

    the colors on top idk what they are but for the bottom....

    the bottom left indicates a shop

    bottom middle is a space station

    the bottom right is a ship (That You Own [Or maybe any ship though im pretty sure its one you own])

    so just scroll around until you find that icon....
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    basiclly looking for 1 outta 10000 stations wont work look for the ship icon since there should only be 3 .....

    alot easier to find now right .....

    though u still have to find the icon it is still stands out more....