Broadside cannons without breaking the current system

    May 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    What the problems of lateral cannons are:

    Ships right now can shoot through themselves, so making anything that's not a single-man ship a waste of time and space.

    Imagine one big ship with two players in it, a pilot and 200 gunners. Another big ship approaches from the side, manned by only one man. WHY should a one-man ship, with the same amount of weapons and armor, 199 crewmembers less, have a the same chance of winning than the same ship made with double crewmen? Answer: It shouldn't.

    The logical conclusion is that more players = more functions of the ship can be used at once. But since all this can be done by one player, weapons shoot through their own ships and the

    What the solution could be, without changing the system:

    Make a weapons computer inter-linkable to use each others weapons and make cannons usable by multiple computers. If weapons are used at the same time, you will have priority for using the cannons looking at the same direction as you, and then a priority for shooting forward.

    How that would solve the problem:

    Imagine the same big ship, but this time one pilot and two gunners looking to each side. The same one-man big ship comes, both have the same weapons & armor.

    This time, though, the ship with more crew has THE SAME DPS WHEN FACE TO FACE (No advantatge), but it has those vital crewmembers that are covering each side of the ship, giving them an obvious advantage (who would win a 3v1? Maybe one of the most skilled pilots, but that's the point.)

    Please Dev Team, don't make the only way to 3v1 in this game be 3 ships vs 1 ship. Give teamplayers a reason to actually teamplay.

    Please, tell me what you think could be the pros and cons of this, so I can make this perfect.

    EDIT: I edited this thread to be as clear as possible. If you can't understand what I mean somewhere, please tell me so!
    Last edited:
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    it would be easier to have two computers
    Then you can't use the firepower of the broadsides while shooting forward, while the other player can take a 25000 man ship and shoot all cannons forward.

    I'd love multiple computers, but only if we get a computer with which we can use multiple different computers at the same time.
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    there is turrets for a reason
    1. Turrets can't be manned with computers from your bridge (yet.)
    2. Even so, some people have broadside cannons. Deal with it.
    3. It wouldn't change the gameplay for players who like to fly big ships alone, like you.
    4. This feature would give big slow ships a reason to actually use crew and not become one of many drillers.
    5. This feature can be modified so everyone's happy. For example, you can make that the pilot can't look to the broadsides, that you have to make a weapons computer looking at each broadside and can then inter-link all the weapon computers to shoot the same weapons.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    As far as I can tell the only thing new you want is the ability to have weapons able to be linked to multiple computers. How would that work on an AI controlled entity, which has the capability of firing all computers at once?
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    As far as I can tell the only thing new you want is the ability to have weapons able to be linked to multiple computers. How would that work on an AI controlled entity, which has the capability of firing all computers at once?
    5. This feature can be modified so everyone's happy. For example, you can make that the pilot can't look to the broadsides, that you have to make a weapons computer looking at each broadside and can then inter-link all the weapon computers to shoot the same weapons.
    You could also make that AI can't jump from core to computer (because players can't either).