Brilliant/Horrible idea for Large/Small ship balance. OMG

    Feb 25, 2016
    Reaction score
    The basic system proposed in the OP is utterly insane and undoable. The requirements (System-wise and building-wise) are too large to consider. Every block would then have additional information attached to it that some CPU somewhere (Your own or a server's) has to keep up with all the CONSTANT wear going on, then figure out how it affects everything around it.

    Perhaps instead just leave this as a use for crew members. Assign a crew member to each system that could experience wear, and that crew member keeps it operating at peak efficiency. Only applicable to ships over X size.
    Jan 19, 2015
    Reaction score
    This is just another small vs large thread. Yes players are making bigger and bigger ships, but with fleets and multiple players you can easily smash these titans with ships 1/3 the size.

    If this idea entered the game it would break the game so bad, that anyone building anything above 100m would be at a huge disadvantage. Forcing build styles so NPCs can access majority of the ship which opens up areas for weapons to get clear shots thru.

    One thing that helps large ships if this was implemented is the Rapid scale in lag, as larger ships have to support large numbers of new entities(NPC) which will further slow the game down for players. But as turrets keep firing thru lag the larger ship will just destroy the lagged out opponents. Also welcome to heatseekers again....