Bombs/Bomlet Genereators

    Aug 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think that bombs should be added to the game. The way bombs would work is that each bomb is like a missile only it either stays or floats (i.e. now gravity) or fall to a planet. Each bomb block like amcs and missiles increases damage, radius, and reload however each bomb block has rechargeable bomb ammunition that recharges after all bombs are dropped (i.e. 8). Also the more blocks you have the more ammunition (bombs) you have before needing to recharge. As with missiles the more blocks the less stats get buffed. The starting reload time for a bomb block would be at around 400 to 300 seconds and would decrease in increments of 5 every block until a fixed reload time i.e. 200 then would decrease by 3 or 4 seconds and so forth. Damage for bombs would be exactly the same missile as there missile that just drop same with radius. Range is wherever there is gravity for it to fall.

    Now let me get on to the types of bombs. The first type of bomb would be a dumb fire bomb and that’s all. Second could be a sort of jdam type that has to get relatively over the target and the bomb would do the rest. And idea for the targeting system for the bomb is that wherever there is a block if you look at it and press a key it would automatically set that as a target for it to hit. The third type of bomb would be a sort of high damage low radius dumb fire or lock on bomb and vice versa. The bombs would look exactly like missiles eccept the front texture would be facing down. This idea would make a compact solutions to making disintigrater bombs. Bombs would also help with obviously bombing, pillaging, and finally raiding.
    Aug 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    also there could be a nuke sort of bomb that has a huge radius high damage eccept its reload is so slow its almost not worth it
    Aug 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    why not just attatch a bunch of dis-integrators to a ship core then dock that to a ship? then you would have a realistic bomber with limited but powerful ammunition, a real need to escort the bomber(s), and a possible need for fleets of bombers in order to sufficiently damage the target (to make it look like a WWII bombing raid)
    Aug 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    i know but ships in order to do that need to be big in size im talking about a small bomber/fighter
    Aug 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well, in that case, maybe directional weapons would work best. I know a bunch of people have dumped a lot of missiles on a ship and called it a bomber. So if a weapon fired in the direction that it was facing, you could put broadside cannons on a battleship, or have them facing down on a small fighter/bomber. (although targeting would be interesting to implement for that. maybe it could only be done with the d1000s to prevent that problem and the \"projectiles\" would just go straight in the direction that they were facing)