Bobby Control Block

    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Since Turrets and Docket Ships, are not part of the Main ship, its imposable to make a Bobby AI Master Computer, like weapons and salvagers have.. but how about a network-like computer, where you setup ad transmitter and a reciever to listen to a virtual data-channel?
    you need a Transmitter for each group of drones or turrets, but can have as many in a group as needed.
    if the id is changed in the transmitter, the reciever will shutdown the bobby AI in the drone ship/turret.

    2 new blocks.
    Bobby AI Transmitter
    Bobby AI Reciever

    bobby AI Reciever got got thouse fields
    Reciever id: name to be identified by

    bobby AI Transmitter got thouse fields
    Reciever id: connect to transmitters with this identity name
    Type: [Ship,Turret]
    Behavior: [Defensive, Aggresive, Passive]
    Attack: [Hostile, Friendly, Any,Target]
    Active: [True,False]
    Dock: [Dock,Undock] (dock/undock at the ship, that contains the transmitter executing the command
    Goto: x,y,z (goto sector)
    Patrol: x,y,z (patrol sector)
    Follow (Follows the ship, that contains the transmitter executing the command)
    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    sorry.. just noticed schema already talked about this, and it would actually be like this, at some point >-<