Bobby AI module

    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    How do you use a bobby ai module i tried many different things and its not working
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You must first equip it to the Shipcore (doesn\'t matter where it is but I recommend keeping it near the core, as any protection made for core will apply for the AI) Build the rest of your ship before the using it. Place the AI Module, then hit r while looking at it. Select wether it is a ship, or a turret (ship will pilot itself, turret is obviously a fixed turret) Then choose, all or target. All will shoot at anything not mounted or in the same faction. Target will shoot at whatever thing you designate (hit f while looking at it) If you are trying to use a small dummy ship as test, due to them being both owned by you, they might not work. Try hijacking a Pirate ship first.