Bobby AI fleet capability's and bind keys.

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I know this has been said before but needs to stay at the top then it might be put into place.

    We need on the Bobby AI a feature that lets ships follow you and protect you, but it should have feature.


    1. Binding keys which lets you control the AI an example of these would be, by pressing a key on your keyboard it will, get the AI ships to do a task like fire at a selected target, another would be following and stop, the biggest one I would love to see is mirroring.

    By pressing lets say F11 and one of the following keys A, W, S and D, it would a line the AI ship to the corresponding side of your ship but W and S would'nt be binded to front or back that would be another bind key. The W and S would be top and bottom of your ship, then when you go left it will go right and when your go right it would go left and so on

    The reason I think the mirror idea would be awesome you could use for a barrage you know like in pirates of the caribbean 3, where the flying dutch man and the black pearl shoots down the Endeavour on both sides.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    No idea what\'s being thought of for AI, but i\'ll toss some ideas out anyways.

    #1: \"Programmable AI\" It would be nice to \"teach\" the AI what to do, and by teach I mean mimic you. Like if I want the AI to dock, but know it\'s a complicated matter, it would be awesome if we could give the AI a programmed called...well anything. For instance I might give the AI a program called \"Docking with Mothership\" and the AI recored me pilotting the ship into the mothership and docking at the appropriate module.

    Or another program called \"Patrol\" where the AI is given a set of coordinates and goes to each set and keeps going in loops.

    And as far as \"programmable AI\" goes, it would be nice to have \"If, then\" scenarios, so if I have a patrol program, I can tell it \"If you see any hostiles while running \"patrol\", activate program \"attack\". Similar to the turtle programs in minecraft.

    #2: formations. To further expand on the ideas of formations, as previously mentioned, it would be awesome to have an ingame console that gives you literally a green grid full of lines, where you can mark out a virtual space for whatever exact ship, then have the AI follow this. Or have it updatable in real time so commanders can give orders from a bridge and ahve a virtual projection of whats going on outside without all the graphics of explotions and whatnot.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The recording thing would be freaking awesome.. It would have to be done relatively to the ship, but that should not be too much of a problem.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ya i\'m thinking when you tell a ship to run a \"recored\" program like docking, it would fly to the respected area of the ship the \"recording\" started at, orient itself appropriately, then start doing what you did.