Bobby AI Advanced

    Jul 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Bobby needs more features. Here are some great ideas (I think):

    1 - Fleet AI - Bobby would recognise faction blocks, and (given an adequate dose of collission avoidance) would have an option to always fly close to/patrol around fellow faction ships or structures. I could go on but I'm sure your gears are turning enough already how awesome that would be :)

    2 - Medic Mode - Bobby could use the repair and power transfer beams to heal players (either any or in faction) ... This would be awesome for setting up turrets on your faction station's docking bay, or (with fleet AI) having a healer/power booster bot follow you into battle.

    3 - Stationary Option - I've found that with most online servers, people have issues with turrets randomly just falling off due to lag while traveling or some other issue. It would be great if there was a way to attatch the bobby AI unit to a stationary gun, allowing you to have the benefits of a self-firing turret, with the safety of knowing it's tightly secured to your hull.

    I hope you like these suggestions and implement them ASAP! :)
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would also like to suggest the docked fighter drone mode (or even a controller for those drones to attack/callback), ships would be fairly easy to do... just activate AI when triggered and undock them and when disabled they should each pick a non-turret docking spot and go there... teleport inside if close enough from the hull (easiest solution, pathfinding towards docking stations would be even better but it\'s not really a \"must\").

    Also, I wouldn\'t name the repair drone a medic, since it repairs, not heals :P
    Jul 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    it would be good because when u make Bobby AI units In ships they keep fighting pirates and never come back.

    to make them dock as well would be awesome, also to let them circle around something (ie; a spacestation/planet)
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Rather than just recognizing any other ships in the same faction, I\'d like to be able to parent the AI to another ship, so that it always follows that particular ship wherever it goes. This would allow large ships to fly around with their own envoy of AI fighters without risking them flying off to follow another ship in the same faction. I\'d love to have a large ship with repair drones that followed it everwhere.

    In addition, the parent ship should have a new option in the weapons menu that can be hotkeyed to one of the number keys. The option would toggle back and forth between \"undock\" and \"recall\" to release the AI fighter or call it back to an available docking port.
    Jul 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    ...some sort of AI controller block, which would co-ordinate your activated faction AI ships (Minus the docked ones) from any distance, so that If you were flying with your fleet, and you get blown up, but your AI ships are still fighting, you can see how they are doing and possibly either order them to retreat or get their coordinates so you could return to the fight?

    Another Idea would be for them to send you messages, an example could be like this:

    Incoming message:
    Repair_Droid_02 in sector (3, 9, -2)
    Parent Ship Lost, Holding Position

    Then you can figure out a capital ship in that sector was recently cored, and you have to hightail it to that sector to rescue the Repair Droid and any other remaining ships, and then salvage or repair the cored capital ship.